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1.Easy to use and quick to get started

2.The process supports design scales of 300 devices or 1000 pads

3.Supports simple circuit simulation

4.For students, teachers, creators


1.Brand new interactions and interfaces

2.Smooth support for design sizes of over 5,000 devices or 10,000 pads

3.More rigorous design constraints, more standardized processes

4.For enterprises, more professional users


STD Circuit Design Software


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Update time: 2021-04-09 12:41:36
Creation time: 2016-01-04 06:49:23
A smart man will choose the best circuit design software first if he wants to design schematics and simulation well. If you have ever used circuit design software, like easyeda, Eagle, Everycircuit, etc, you will easily realized that excellent circuit design software always equipped these following key functions. This article will tell you what kind of circuit design software is more useful to electronic hobbyists. **Schematic capture** An circuit design software with powerful schematic capture function can create schematics with highly professional looking. Schematic capture is the most important function of the circuit design software. Because it is the basic entrance of understanding the circuit you design. Moreover, it also a necessary tool which could be used to be converted into PCB design file. Therefore, almost every circuit design software provides schematic capture function. ![enter image description here][1] **Spice simulation** Spice simulation function provides many simulation models and the quick way to building models for Integrated circuits. Good circuit design software has great function and capability for online simulation. The better the design tool you choose, the better experience on electronic circuit simulation you will gain. ![enter image description here][2] **PCB design** Schematics are created with the aim of making a PCB so you need a circuit design software with PCB layout function to convert your schematic to a PCB. PCB layout function is also the key function of circuit design software. It is the way to produce the PCB board. ![enter image description here][3] **Built-in schematic, spice and PCB libraries** A successful online software must have a extensive built-in schematic, spice and PCB libraries. Anyone can hunt for and build schematic symbols and PCB footprints in library. Users also can use them for free, then share their design resource can be kept private or share with community. **Web-based EDA tool** Web-based EDA tool is using a modern web browser. It can run on many platforms like Windows, Linux, Mac, etc. Since the application is built on cloud, it gives the convenience of mobility and portability. Anyone can just open circuit design software in any web browser without any installation. Another advantage that comes with a cloud application is cross device compatibility. This is a list of Web-based EDA tools which I’d like to share with you: 1.EasyEDA It is a free, zero-install, Web and cloud-based EDA tool suite, integrating powerful schematic capture, mixed-mode circuit simulation and PCB layout in a seamless cross-platform browser environment, for electronic engineers, educators, students and hobbyists. You could run it on windows , mac , linux or android platform, as long as there is one browser on the OS and connecting to network. You can draw schematics quickly using the available libraries on browser. 2.Docircuits DoCircuit is an online virtual lab for electronics. It provides online, in-browser tools for schematic capture and circuit simulation. 3.TinaCloud It is the cloud based multi-language online version of the popular Tina circuit simulation software now running in your browser without any installation. 4.CircuitLab It is also a great web-based EDA tool which has powerful function of circuit simulation but hasn’t PCB layout function. 5.DcAcLab DC/AC Virtual Lab is another online electronics circuits which is capable of building DC/AC circuits with batteries, wires and other components. Choosing a best and suitable circuit design software is important for every electronic hobbyist to use and electronic beginner to learn. What’s your opinion about the best circuit design software. Related articles: Circuit design software on Linux A good online circuit drawing software 10 best software for electronic simulation free online How to creating new schematic with circuit design software A wonderful web-based EDA tool and its free and unique service How to Create a new Schematic Library on electronic circuit software Circuit design software tutorials about process of making a PCB Draw Your Circuits and Simulate then Online for Free [1]: /editor/20160104/568a1706519d0.png [2]: /editor/20160104/568a174a12450.png [3]: /editor/20160104/568a1767cca3f.png
Design Drawing
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 TPS62170 U1 DIP 1
2 1u C1 CP_8X13MM 1
3 1m L1 INDUCTOR-1206 1
4 130k R1 R3 1
5 150k R2 R3 1
6 1u C2 C1 1
7 1k R3 R3 1
8 SIP4 P1 HDR1X4 1


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