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Update time: 2024-11-27 10:20:02
Creation time: 2024-09-22 08:25:48


This is the working template/example of the LTC2208 ADC module for DIY HF receiver/transceiver.

This is the almost first PCB made by me and the purpose of the board is just to create cheap and simple ADC module for my test transceiver based on the Xilinx QMTech board without spending alot of time. It has non optimal design. 

So consider it as the start point of making your ADC module, because looks like there lot of space to improve.

Anyway it's working. So it's usable.

It has LPF in the input- cutoff frequency is around 60MHz.


This board ground near the pinout MUST BE connected to the FPGA board groud near the pinout, I forgot to add ground pin so I scratched mask near pinout and solder ground by wire.


Use R6, R7, R8, R9 resistors to choose output mode of the ADC (check datasheet, but for my project R9 not soldered, R8 = 0R, R7 = 0R, R6 not soldered).


Use R4 and R5 to enable LTC6400IUD driver or bypass it.


Github for Xilinx bitstream - https://github.com/enthru/redQmtech_notes

Some history of the project - https://enthru.net/?tag=qmtech

Github project with this gerbers and some pics - https://github.com/enthru/redQmtech_notes_adc

Design Drawing

Design Drawing

schematic diagram
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ID Designator Footprint Quantity
1 U14 QFN-64_L9.0-W9.0-P0.50-BL-EP7.2 1 C967392
2 U5 OSC-SMD_4P-L14.2-W9.1_CCHD-950 1 C6892362
3 U6 SOT-23-5_L3.0-W1.6-P0.95-LS2.8-BR 1 C5267951
4 C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C10,C16 C0805 10
5 C9 C0805 1
6 C11,C15 C0805 2
7 C12 C0805 1
8 C13,C14 C0805 2
9 C17 C0805 1
10 C18,C22 C0805 2
11 C19 C0805 1
12 C20 C0805 1
13 C21 C0805 1
14 C23 C0805 1
15 J1 SSW-109-XX-YYY 1
16 L1 IND-SMD_L5.8-W5.2_CD54 1 C5289433
17 L2,L3 L0805 2 C440135
18 L4 L0805 1 C5289433
19 L5 L0805 1 C5289433
20 L6 L0805 1 C5289433
21 R1 R0805 1
22 R2,R3 R0805 2
23 R4* R0805 1
24 R5*,R6*,R7* R0805 3
25 R8 R0805 1
26 R9 R0805 1
27 RF1 SMA-TH_HJ-SMA451 1 C2874831
28 U2 QFN-16_L3.0-W3.0-P0.50-BL-EP1.5 1 C689243
29 U3 SOT-223-3_L6.4-W3.5-P2.30-LS7.0-BR 1 C5125088
30 U4 SMD-6_L7.8-W5.6-P2.54-LS6.9-BL 1 C3304892
31 U11,U12,U13 CAP-SMD_L3.2-W1.6-FD-1 3 C9900027035


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