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PRO ESP8266 MagicHome LED Controller
The latest MagciHome controllers (>=V1.2) come with the BL602 chip and the RISC-V architecture.
These controllers cannot simply be flashed with your own firmware, as WLED, ESPhome, Tasmota,... only work on ESPs.
Since it´s sometimes very difficult and expensive to find controllers with an ESP chip, I decided to recreate the old V1.1 Controller with ESP chip. Here I document my progress. If you would like to help, please feel free to contact me via Comments at any time. I don't know everthing an I´ll make mistakes.
The BL602 can be integrated locally into most smart home systems. However, not with your own firmware, which is very limiting. In addition, my controllers lose connection to the WiFi every 2-3 months and have to be completely restarted. Very annoying and not smart or magic...
I had none of these problems with the ESP controllers.
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