RGB LED Matrix Bar (WS2812B)
STDRGB LED Matrix Bar (WS2812B)
:GPL 3.0
ESP8266 RGB LED Matrix Bar Weather Station
/* =========================================================================
* Author: Zalophus Dokdo (https://zddh.blogspot.com)
* Date: 31/08/2017 (https://zalophus.tistory.com/)
* License: GPL v2 (https://github.com/ZalophusDokdo/RGB_LED_Matrix_Bar_Weather_Station)
* =========================================================================
* RGB LED Matrix Bar Weather Station V1.0.9 (Publish: 2018/01/02)
* =========================================================================
* -> Added webapp dark mode theme (2021/06/25)
* -> Added quote and scroll button (2021/06/01)
* -> Added Show Rainbow Clock Button (2021/03/01)
* -> Timer treated as optional on upload (affects memory)
* -> Added File Server with SPIFFS Edit (2020/10/24) - Hold
* -> Added clock font (Normal/Slim/Digital/Round Digital)(2020/10/31)
* -> Added WS2812B RGB LED NeoMatrix Clock with setting page(WebApp)
* ................. SPIFFS (2020/10/20) - Hold
* -> Web page separation: Main home page and message page (2020/09/12)
* -> Change WebApp scroll control (2021/01/11)
* -> Added timer setting (2020/10/13)
* -> Added alarm message setting function:
* ................. Set scroll message to alarm message (2020/09/13)
* -> Added alarm setting (2020/09/10)
* -> AM-PM Mode, 24-hour clock, 12-hour clock (2020/09/09)
* -> Google clock replaced with NTP clock (2020/09/07)
* -> Resolved a problem that initialized when receiving Google clock
* -> Added web page refresh time (2020/09/06)
* -> Added RGB LED: WS2812B RGB LED (2020/09/05)
* -> Error: ets jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6) (2020/09/05)
* -> Added MQTT - Adafruit IO MQTT + IFTTT + Google Assistant (2020/07/30)
* -> Update Count 7.5m to 60m (2020/07/22)
* -> Added CHAR_SHIFT_DELAY - Config (2020/07/22)
* -> Change DHT12 Library (2018/03/12)
* =========================================================================
* Parts List:
* - 6 x MAX7219 8x8 LED Matrix or WS2812B 8x8 RGB LED Matrix
* - 1 x WeMos D1 mini
* - 1 x Interface shield
* Additional Parts:
* - N x DS18B20 temperature sensor
* - 1 x DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor
* - 1 x DHT12 temperature and humidity sensor
* - N x WS2812B RGB LED Strip (Light)
* - 1 x Push button switch
* - 1 x On/Off button switxh
* - 1 x Power On/Off switxh
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Fuctions:
* - OTA
* - mDNS
* - WiFi Manager
* - Web Server (WebUI)
* - LED Matrix Clock
* - Open Weather Map Weather Forecast
* - Indoor and Outdoor temperature and Humidity sensor monitor
* - Scrolling message
* - Scroll Push Switch
* - Lamp Push Switch
* - Alarm time setting (WebUI)
* - Alarm On/Off and Switch
* - Timer Start/Stop and Contorl
* - Google Assistant: Adafruit IO MQTT + IFTTT
* =========================================================================
Design Drawing
Project Members