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STD Arduino Nano + NRF24L01 Compact Adaptor board

Arduino Nano + NRF24L01 Compact Adaptor board

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Update time: 2021-12-26 22:39:44
Creation time: 2020-04-01 22:47:52


Breakout board to connect a standard Arduino Nano with the common NRF24L01 on an 8 pin board. Features: - NRF board is hidden under Nano for a compact form factor - Space for on-board 3v3 regulator - LM1117S-3 & smoothing caps - Break out connectors including - 3x pin Analog: A/5v/0v which make it easy to connect potentiometers or use as servo/signal outputs - 4x pin i2c: gnd/+/SDA/SCL - allows easy connection to peripherals like OLED or sensors. - Space for on-board push button - Space for on-board WS2812 smart LED - Connectors for switched Vin I've built and tested a few and they're working great!
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Manufacturer Part BOM_Supplier Part
1 Header-Male-2.54_1x4 I2C1,I2C2,GND DIP-1X4P-2.54MM-M 3 210S-1*4P L=11.6MMGold-plated black C124378
2 WS2812C LED1 LED-SMD_4P-L5.0-W5.0-BL 1 WS2812C C114587
3 Header-Male-2.54_1x3 A3,A2,A1,A0,HV,V,A7,A6 HDR-TH_3P-P2.54-V 8 Header2.54mm 1*3P C49257
4 10uF C1 CAP-SMD_L3.2-W1.6-R-RD 1 TAJA106K016RNJ C7171
5 NRF24L01 NRF24L01 WIRELM-SMD_NRF24L01 1 NRF24L01+功率加强版绑定2.4Gwireless module C90751
6 100nF C2 C0805 1 CL21B104JBCNNNC C62912
7 Header-Female-2.54_1x15 HL,HR DIP-1X15P2.54 2 220S-1*15P H=8.5MM Ytype Gold-plated C124408
8 Arduino-NANO NANO ARDUINO-NANO3 1 Arduino-NANO undefined
9 Header-Male-2.54_1x1 BATT HDR-1X1/2.54 1 Header-Male-2.54_1x1 C81276
10 2.2K R1 RES-TH_BD2.2-L6.5-P10.50-D0.6 1 MF1/4CCT52A2201F C315656
11 Header-Male-2.54_1x2 SW HDR-2X1/2.54 1 826629-2 C86471
12 K2-1107ST-A4SW-06 B1 KEY-SMD_L6.2-W3.6-LS8.0 1 K2-1107ST-A4SW-06 C118141
13 20K R2 RES-TH_BD2.2-L6.5-P10.50-D0.6 1 MF1/4CCT52A2002F C315655
14 LM1117S-3.3 LM1117S-3 SOT-223-3_L6.5-W3.4-P2.30-LS7.0-BR 1 LM1117S-3.3 C126027


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