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STD Smart Traffic system

Smart Traffic system

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Update time: 2024-06-15 10:00:21
Creation time: 2024-06-15 04:08:45


Arduino-Based Traffic Light Control System This project demonstrates an Arduino-based traffic light control system integrated with pedestrian crossing signals and an OLED display. The system uses an Arduino Nano to manage traffic and pedestrian signals, providing an interactive and educational tool for learning about traffic management systems. Components and Libraries 1. Arduino Nano 2. LEDs (Traffic and Pedestrian) 3. OLED Display (OLED1) [Type: 0.96-inch I2C OLED] 4. LM2596 Buck Converter (U2) - Input Voltage: 12V - Output Voltage: 5V 5. Pushbutton Switch 6. Power devices - Terminal Block (U1) for power input (12V DC) - Converts 12V DC to 5V DC using LM2596 Buck Converter Functionality of the project * Traffic Light Control: The Arduino Nano controls three traffic lights (Red, Green, and Blue LEDs) connected via digital pins D3, D4, and D5, each with a series 1kΩ resistor. The system cycles through traffic signals in a standard sequence: Red -> Green -> Blue. * Pedestrian Light Control: Pedestrian crossing signals (Red and Green LEDs) are controlled via a pushbutton switch (U3). When pressed, the pedestrian signal changes to green, allowing safe crossing. * OLED Display: The OLED display shows current traffic light status and countdown timers for both traffic and pedestrian signals. It is connected via the I2C interface to pins A1 (SDA) and A2 (SCL). * Power Management: The system is powered through a 12V DC input, regulated down to 5V by the LM2596 Buck Converter. This ensures stable operation of the Arduino Nano and other components. Achievements of the project We successfully simulated a real-world traffic light system with LEDs representing traffic and pedestrian signals. It is Integrated an OLED display to provide visual feedback on the status of the lights and timers, enhancing the user experience. By utilizing the LM2596 Buck Converter to efficiently manage power consumption, ensured reliable operation without overheating or excessive energy usage. Implemented pushbutton for pedestrian control, making the system interactive and user-friendly. This simulation provides a hands-on approach to learning about traffic systems and basic electronics, making it a valuable educational resource for students and hobbyists. Libraries and References - Arduino.h: The primary library for programming the Arduino Nano. - Adafruit_NeoPixel: For controlling the RGB LEDs. - Adafruit_SSD1306: Used for managing the OLED display. - Adafruit_GFX: A graphics library for drawing on the OLED. - VoltageRegulator: For managing the LM2596 buck converter. This project demonstrates a comprehensive approach to building a simple yet functional traffic light control system. The integration of various components and libraries showcases the versatility and educational value of the Arduino platform.
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