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STD Generator Bypass starter

Generator Bypass starter

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Update time: 2023-06-25 04:58:28
Creation time: 2023-06-25 04:58:28


This is used to operate the genertor in case of the main controller has failed.  It is selected by changing the position of a selector switch from "MAIN" to "BYPASS"  

To initiate engine start, a normally open (NO) push button is used. To stop the engine, the selector swtich should be turned to "O" position. 


In case of fault, the fuel solenoid, responsible for generator operation, is deactivated by relays if either the low oil pressure switch or high coolant temperature switch is activated.

During a shutdown event, the relays (one for oil pressure and one for coolant temperature) maintain the output connection to their respective indicator lamps until it is reset by manually pressing a normally closed (NC) RESET switch.  


There is an emergency stop provision available by utilizing the existing emergency stop button. When the emergency stop button is pressed, power to the bypass starter is cut off, which in turn cuts power to the fuel solenoid, resulting in the engine shutting off.  

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