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STD ESPboy easy DIY v2.1M - DON'T USE!

License: CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2023-06-05 18:10:20
Creation time: 2023-04-13 13:02:01
# DO NOT USE THIS! ## Problems were found with the original project that this is based on. Until the problems are fixed, it is recommended that you don't use this board. This is a modification of the schematic and PCB of the ESPboy easy DIY v2 project found here: [https://oshwlab.com/espboy/espboy-easy-v1_copy](https://oshwlab.com/espboy/espboy-easy-v1_copy) It’s good practice to have decoupling/bypass capacitors close to the power pins of the components on a PCB. The Wemos module will have it’s own capacitor(s) on board but it would be good to have one for the MCP23017 chip. I've added this capacitor. The capacitor should be a 0.1uF (or higher) ceramic. In addition, I reversed the buzzer pins so that the “+” pin now goes to the V_BAT side of the circuit, which makes more sense to me but it won’t make a difference electrically. I then got enthusiastic and made a large number of changes to the trace routing and widths, as well as a few changes to the silkscreens. However, other than the new capacitor, it should be identical to the original, electrically and for component placement. **NOTE** that if there are any errors or problems with the original schematic or PCB then it's very likely they exist in this version, as well. Here are the details of what I've done: 1. On the schematic and PCB add a decoupling capacitor for the MCP23017. 1. On the schematic and PCB changed the buzzer polarity so plus (+) now goes to the V_BAT side. 1. Removed unused via in GND trace close to the BAT- pad. 1. Removed unused via in the D4_LED trace. 1. Made all trace vias have a 0.4mm hole and either 0.8mm or 1.0mm diameter. 1. Moved, rerouted and resized many traces to: - Add more clearance from component pins. - Add more clearance around board mounting holes. - Move traces away from the edge of the board. - Make thicknesses more consistent and in some cases wider for power traces. 1. Moved bottom silkscreen B5 and B7 expansion connector text, and reduced the size of and repositioned B6 and SC text due to interference with the new capacitor pads. 1. On top silkscreen changed text for the display from 1.44' to 1.44" (feet to inches). 1. On top silkscreen changed position of text for the display to avoid printing on top of a new via. 1. On bottom silkscreen changed text "EXPANSION SLOT" to "EXPANSION CONNECTOR" and repositioned the text to avoid printing on top of new vias. 1. On bottom silkscreen for the text describing substituting a wire for the diode, changed the "I" in "If" to uppercase. 1. On both silkscreens moved "ESPboy" text up a little and changed the version to v2.1(MLXXXp)
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