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STD RC Power Distribution Board PDB

RC Power Distribution Board PDB

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GPL 3.0

License: GPL 3.0



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Update time: 2024-07-12 10:59:07
Creation time: 2023-01-29 10:34:51


Avoid brown out due to insufficient power supply for all your servos. This PDB can deliver 3A total to 6 servos. Has a current meter INA138 (36V max). TVS diode (36V). Accept a 20x20 Flight Controller on top. Has a 10-pins JST-SH connector (1.0mm pitch). The power supply delivers 5V by default to all servos and can be set to 6V or 7.2V using jumper solder pads. It uses fairly cheap components from JLCPCB library to keep the cost down; while the power supply and the current sensor chips are Texas Instrument. The shunt resistor need to be soldered manually. Recommended shunt resistor is CSS2725FTL500 (5e-4 ohm) which would require to use a scale of 150 in iNAV or Betaflight. Should be able to measure a current up to 220A. (keeping in mind that CSS2725FTL500 has a conttinuous limit of 126A and burst of 320A). Max allowed battery pack would be 8S.

Instruction for connections:

Connect each motor outputs from the flight controller to corresponding servo leads (M1 to S1, etc)

Current pin is the current sensor data (if the flight controller accepts current data)

TM pin is simply a passthrough. Some flight controller have a telemetry input which sometimes used for voltage sense.

VCC is the battery voltage, downstream of the current sensor (that is, the current sensor will sense the current that the flight controller consumes). The VCC can be used to supply voltage to the flight controller to either a "VCC" or "VBAT" (however the flight controller labels it)

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