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STD Piglet print head control board

License: CERN Open Hardware License

  • 7.7k
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  • 8
Update time: 2022-12-20 03:22:13
Creation time: 2020-11-25 04:43:39
This board runs Klipper and mounts on the back of the Voron Afterburner extruder stepper motor. It is designed to attach to [this Raspberry "Pi G"-code HAT](https://easyeda.com/matt_1626/pi-g-code-hat) along with [this motor board](https://easyeda.com/matt_1626/voron-controller-board_copy_copy_copy_copy) and a [small Hall-effect Add-on Module](https://easyeda.com/matt_1626/voron-xy-endstops) can be plugged into it. Combined these form Simplified Wiring Implemented with New Electronics. Connectors: * USB - a 4 pin Molex Micro-fit 3.0 connector supplying 24V, GND and USB+ and USB- (to raspberry pi) * PROBE - 24V inductive probe - PB8 * Runout - 5V filament runout sensor (or other input) - PB10 * TEMP - Hot end thermistor (pulled up with 4.7k resistor) - PA0 * FAN0 - 24V hot end cooling fan - PA8 * FAN1 - 24V part cooling fan - PB15 * HEATER - 24V Hot end heater - PB14 * Endstops - Two A3144 hall effect switches for X & Y axes - PB0/PB7 * RGB - 5V LED output. Middle pin can control WS2812B LEDs from GPIO in open drain output mode - PB6 * TMC2209 - Accepts a TMC2209 or similar stepper stick. * ADXL345 - an SPI ADXL345 module can be connected to the right hand part of the stepper stick header for use by Klipper's automatic input shaping tuning. Note: A GD32F150 MCU can be used instead of the currently hard to find STM32F103 but it does need a modified version of klipper (https://github.com/mattshepcar/klipper/tree/gd32f1x0). I am using JLCPCB to get prototypes made and have stuck to basic parts for their SMT assembly service where possible. The only essential extended parts are the inductor for the buck converter and the USB termination/ESD protection chip. Update: I've swapped the mosfets to extended parts now. This board was inspired by [Pontus Borg's huvud project](https://hackaday.io/project/174429-huvud-a-3d-printer-tool-head-controller-board) [Images](https://imgur.com/a/63cPk7v) [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1xPYSH2Pnk)
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