WS2812B Matrix II
STDWS2812B Matrix II
:Public Domain
====================== oskarhonerkamp ======================
This is my attempt of making a 10x10 RGB LED Matrix unsing 5050 package ws2812b leds.
It has a charging circuit with inspiration taken from this GreatScott! video. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fj0XuYiE7HU).
One section is a Standalone Configuration of a esp8266 wifi chip. I oriantated myself on the schematic of this Blog-post (https://how2electronics.com/how-to-program-raw-esp8266-12e-f-chip-using-arduino-ide/).
The whole idea of this project is to create a modular, lipo-battery-powered, wifi capable LED matrix.
====================== oskarhonerkamp ======================
====================== markus_jidoka ======================
4th Mar 2023:
Design improved and optimized for manufacturing.
Markus Virtanen
HW / Electronics Designer
====================== markus_jidoka ======================
Design Drawing


Project Members
