Battery Desulfator 1
STDBattery Desulfator 1
:Public Domain
Battery Desulfator
This circuit generates high voltage pulses to lead acid batteries that removes sulfation from the battery plates. Make sure that you have enough battery water topped off before starting this pulsing cycle to regenerate your battery healt. This can pulsator/charger can be applied to the battery for around 1-3 days.
Based on CD4049UBE logic gate inverter that controls a MOSFET and coil to generate higher voltage pulses. This circuit is overcurrent and wrong polarity protected. Fuse breaking current is set to 3A, but can be modified to suit your project accordingly.
I also designed model that works with MC14069UB logic gate inverter that can be seen in project picture.
Built and tested:
Spring 2023 and working!
Design Drawing


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