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STD PSPi 4 PCB 2 copy

PSPi 4 PCB 2 copy

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Cloned from PSPi 4 PCB 2

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Update time: 2019-01-23 08:10:59
Creation time: 2019-01-23 08:10:52


Slight revision to the PSPi v4 board. This is a very rough work in progress. It's a total redesign with new schematics. The overall function will be the same to PCB 1.x, but the circuits are new. Changes include: - Improved battery charge detection. The board can detect how much amperage is being drawn from the battery during discharge, and can detect how much amperage is being provided to the battery during charge. This greatly improves the accuracy of the charge/discharge status. - No more pogo pins. The Pi will attach directly to the board, similarly to the attachment method of v3. The difference from v3 is that this board should have castellated holes that make the soldering process easier. - The LCD will shut off during reboots, preventing the appearance of a distorted image. - Better low-battery LED indication. No more blending of green and orange when the board is pulling a higher amperage. - Headphone board will be attached to the PCB, and will be breakaway. - Better audio filtering - Better power-on circuit. There will no longer be a condition where the system has to remain powered off for 3 seconds before powering it back on.
Design Drawing

Design Drawing

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity Mounted
1 MP3302DJ-LF-Z U1 SOT-23-5 1 Yes C15035
2 SS14F_C64880 D1,D3 SMAF 2 Yes C64880
3 10KΩ R1,R19 0805 2 Yes C57245
4 100nF(104) C2 0805 1 Yes C84714
5 10Ω R3,R22 0805 2 Yes C153163
6 30Ω(30R0) R9 0805 1 Yes C137545
7 10uF C3,C11,C19,C20 0805 4 Yes C90543
8 1uF C4,C5,C14,C1,C13,C18 0805 6 Yes C35795
9 10KΩ R6 0805 1 Yes C113193
10 100K R7,R10,R13,R15,R23 0805 5 Yes C136904
11 300KΩ(304) R11,R24,R25 0805 3 Yes C101991
12 10uF C6 0805 1 Yes C87157
13 100nF(104) C7 0805 1 Yes C111591
14 1uF C8 0805 1 Yes C89378
15 BAT54C-7-F D2,D6,D7 SOT-23(SOT-23-3) 3 Yes C134405
16 NC7SZ125M5X U4 SOT-23-5 1 Yes C7420
17 4.7KΩ(472) R12 0805 1 Yes C105427
18 1KΩ(1000) R14 0805 1 Yes C95781
19 33uH L3 0806 1 Yes C91614
20 270Ω(271) R16 0805 1 Yes C101980
21 33nF C9 0805 1 Yes C107150
22 10uF C10,C12 0805 2 Yes C105505
23 150Ω(1500) R17 0805 1 Yes C101481
24 TLV71210DBVR U5 SOT-23-5 1 Yes C40254
25 1.2KΩ(1201) R4 0805 1 Yes C101438
26 ADS1015QDGSRQ1 U8 MSOP10 1 Yes
27 FPC-10 0.5mm U2 10051922-1010EHLF 1 Yes
28 FPC-24 U9 10051922-2410EHLF 1 Yes 649-100519221010EHLF
29 FPC-40 U10 FPC-40 1 Yes
30 TP4056 U11 SOP-8_EP_150MIL 1 Yes
31 PAM8302AADCR U6 SOP-8_150MIL 1 Yes C112137
32 74HC05D,118 U12 SOIC-14_150MIL 1 Yes C5592
33 AO4622 Q1 SOIC-8_150MIL 1 Yes C17099
34 APX803-31SRG-7 U3 SOT-23(SOT-23-3) 1 Yes C145100
35 ?K R5,R8,R18 0805 3 Yes C57245
36 NC7SZ126M5X U13 SOT-23-5 1 Yes C7420
38 0.025Ω R2 1206 1 Yes C154642
39 Pi Zero With Pads G$2 PI ZERO WITH PADS 1 Yes
40 MCP23017T-EML U14 MCP23017 - QFN 1 Yes
41 100Ω(100R) R20,R21 0805 2 Yes C105577
42 PSP Headphone Jack U7 PSP-HEADPHONE 1 Yes
43 1uF C15,C16 0805 2 Yes C1712
44 SGM2019-2.5YN5G/TR U15 SOT-23-5 1 Yes C46572
45 10nF(103) C17 0805 1 Yes C128911
47 JST-SH-10PIN-1.0MM U17 JST-SH-10PIN-1.0MM 1 Yes


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