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PRO OpenTherm Gateway

OpenTherm Gateway

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GPL 3.0

License: GPL 3.0



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Update time: 2024-12-07 21:00:09
Creation time: 2024-08-27 03:49:54



Box for installation on DIN rail - D2MG, 2 DIN modules.
The 220V > 5V power supply is already on the board, so additional power supplies are not needed.
After manufacturing, the boards need to be divided into 2 parts - upper and lower.

Some components can be replaced with similar ones (for example use a fuse and led with legs). Some SMD components (for example optocouplers) can be replaced with similar SOT components.





Once upon a time I started developing a simple Opentherm controller on esp8266 for personal use, which resulted in a full-fledged controller product for Home Assistant. I think it’s time to publish it.
The software is free, it develops as I have free time.



  • DHW temperature control
  • Heating temperature control
  • Smart heating temperature control modes:
    • PID
    • Equithermic curves - adjusts the temperature based on indoor and outdoor temperatures
  • Hysteresis setting (for accurate maintenance of room temperature)
  • Ability to connect additional (external) sensors: Dallas (1-wire), NTC 10k, Bluetooth (BLE). Makes it possible to monitor indoor and outdoor temperatures, temperatures on pipes/heat exchangers/etc.
  • Emergency mode. In any dangerous situation (loss of connection with Wifi, MQTT, sensors, etc) it will not let you and your home freeze.
  • Ability of remote fault reset (not with all boilers)
  • Diagnostics:
    • Displaying gateway status
    • Displaying the connection status to the boiler via OpenTherm
    • Displaying the fault status and fault code
    • Displaying the diagnostic status & diagnostic code
    • Display of the process of heating: works/does not work
    • Display of burner (flame) status: on/off
    • Display of burner modulation level in percent
    • Display of pressure in the heating system
    • Display of current temperature of the heat carrier
    • Display of return temperature of the heat carrier
    • Display of setpoint heat carrier temperature (useful when using PID or Equitherm)
    • Display of the process of DHW: working/not working
    • Display of current DHW temperature
    • And other information...
  • Home Assistant integration via MQTT. The ability to create any automation for the boiler!



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