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STD MP1584 buck convertor

MP1584 buck convertor

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Update time: 2024-06-30 11:13:57
Creation time: 2024-05-25 03:57:20


MP1584 5V Regulator Circuit

The MP1584 is a high-frequency step-down switching regulator with an adjustable output voltage, which can be set using external resistors. This example circuit demonstrates how to achieve a 5V output from an input voltage up to 24V.



  • Ensure all components have appropriate voltage and current ratings.
  • Layout is crucial for minimizing noise and ensuring stability. Place the capacitors and inductor close to the IC with minimal trace lengths.
  • You can use a potentiometer in place of R2 to make the output voltage adjustable within a certain range.


  • Battery-powered devices
  • Power supply for microcontrollers
  • Portable electronics
  • Any application requiring a stable 5V output from a higher voltage input

By following this guide and the datasheet recommendations, you can design a reliable 5V regulator circuit using the MP1584. Adjusting the feedback resistors allows for customization of the output voltage as per your requirements.

Design Drawing

Design Drawing

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity spiceSymbolName JLCPCB Part Class
1 10uf C1 C0805 1 LCEDA_Lib C_0603_US
2 22uf C2 C0805 1 LCEDA_Lib C_0603_US
3 150pf C3 C0603 1 LCEDA_Lib C_0603_US
4 100nf C4 C0603 1 LCEDA_Lib C_0603_US
5 SS34A D1 SMA_L4.3-W2.6-LS5.2-RD 1 LCSC SS34A
6 HDR-F-2.54_1x2 H1,H2 HDR-F-2.54_1X2 2 LCEDA_Lib HDR-F-2.54_1x2
7 4.7uH L1 IND-SMD_L4.2-W4.2-SQH4018S-4R7M-LF 1 faizankhancuiwah SQH4018S-4R7M-LF https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C257207&%26type=1&ref=editor
8 LED-0805_G LED1 LED0805_GREEN 1 LCEDA_Lib LED-0805_G
9 210K R1 R0603 1 LCEDA_Lib R_0603_US
10 40k R2,R7 R0603 2 LCEDA_Lib R_0603_US
11 100K R3,R5,R6 R0603 3 LCEDA_Lib R_0603_US
12 24.9K R4 R0603 1 LCEDA_Lib R_0603_US
13 MP1584EN U1 SOIC-8_L4.9-W3.9-P1.27-LS6.0-BL-EP3.3 1 LCSC MP1584EN


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