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Public Domain

Creation time:2024-12-16 15:09:40Update time:2024-12-30 02:02:21



Many Many thanks on Wolle, his tireless work made this project possible.


All information about the code and implementation can be found at:




MiniWebRadio Features:


User interfaces: TFT touchscreen display, web browser and FTP

Functions: WiFi Radio, Digital Clock, MP3 player, Alarm, Sleep timer, adjust screen brightness, EQ settings and Volume, web browser User Interface, access SD card via FTP (e.g. FileZilla), IR remote controller support

Up to 999 pre-set stations can be held in stations.csv file on SD card (can edit using web UI)

Each station can display its own station icon (when saved to SD card)

Time is obtained via Network Time Protocol (NTP) from internet. Local Time Zone can be set from web UI

Web UI - MiniWebRadio can be accessed via any web browser (e.g. IE/Edge/Chrome/FireFox)

Internal SD card can be accessed via FTP (e.g. FileZilla)

Your home WiFi router SSID and password can be set using the browser on your smart phone (only required on first boot) or edit the networks.csv file on SD card

Play audio files on SD card or on DLNA home network (via web UI)

Use Infra-Red (IR) remote controller (38kHz NEC-encoded - e.g. arduino or mp3 remote). The web UI allows you to configure the buttons if required

One Alarm time can be pre-set using display (choose days, Monday-Sunday)

A Sleep timer can be set using display (switches off sound and screen after a pre-set time - max. 6 hours)

Can announce the time each hour when in radio mode (set via web UI)

Screen brightness can be adjusted using display (if the display has a backlight-pin)

Supports the Latin, Greek and Cyrillic character sets

Community Radio Browser is integrated as a search engine. User can find new stations and then add them to the station list via web UI (with station icon if available) and then save the list and station icon file to the SD card

Channel lists can be exported or imported in Excel format (for data backup).


Required HW:

ESP32 or ESP32-S3 board with PSRAM

External DAC (e.g. PCM5102a, CS4344, PT8211, AC101, ES8388)

TFT Display with Touchpad (SPI), Display controller can be ILI9341 (320x240px), ILI9486 (480x320px), ILI9488 (480x320px) or ST7796 (480x320px)

SD Card (FAT32) + SD adapter (can use SD slot on back of TFT display if available)

Optional HW:

IR receiver + IR remote controller according to the NFC protocol

KCX_BT_EMITTER V1.7, for connecting external Bluetooth devices in the sending or receiving direction, a connection with voice assistants such as ALEXA is possible

BH1750 light sensor: The BH1750 has a wide range of values, which is still sufficiently sensitive at average room brightness. On the display, you can set the desired brightness when the sensor is darkened. Then the display is dimmed to this value 'at night'.



Control is via the display touchscreen or a web page in a browser, no additional components such as switches, rotary encoders, capacitors or resistors are required.

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