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STD TRS-80 Model X Composite Video
Composite video board for Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 Model II, III, 4 and 4P computers.
Note: make sure to use MM74C04N or CD4069 hex inverters. 74LS04, 74HC04 or other variants will probably not work!
Find the manuals here:
v1.02.03: https://blue-print.be/product-manuals/Manual-trs80-videomixer.pdf
v1.04.09: https://blue-print.be/product-manuals/TRS-80_M3-4-4P_Video_Mixer_Manual_v1.04.09.pdf
I'm releasing this under the LGPL license. If you make any changes to the schematics or PCB designs you are required to provide these easily accessible for anyone to enjoy.
Have fun.
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