TRS-80 Model III / 4 mini keyboard RTP 1.7
STDTRS-80 Model III / 4 mini keyboard RTP 1.7
:LGPL 3.0
I had a loose Model III mainboard laying around for years, and finally decided to build a working system with it.
So I needed a small cheap keyboard for it. Since these keyboards are pretty simple, I decided to design a PCB myself.
And here is the result. A small cheap keyboard for Model 3 or 4 computers.
PS: It should also work for Model 1 computers, but you would need to add the required 74LS05 and 74LS368 logic (you could maybe design a small extra board for that).
WARNING! I mistakingly used the footprint of 4.5mm tactile switches (not the more common 6mm tactile switches). So make sure you order the correct type (or update the schema and PCB with the correct footprint, which should be pretty easy).