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PRO at32f405-tool


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License: Public Domain

Participate: OSHWLab Stars



OSHWLab Stars

OSHWLab Stars

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Update time: 2024-09-21 10:05:29
Creation time: 2024-04-08 18:36:29


This is a jtag probe with high-speed usb, a small touch display and a memory card. ### Design guidelines - All SMD components. No hand-soldered headers. - Low cost: - jlcpcb "economy" pcb assembly - all components on one side - 1mm/40mil between components - use jlcpcb basic and preferred components if possible - Convenience: display, connectors, buttons all on the same side. - Hardware has to be good from the beginning. Software can always be changed later. ## Hardware - Artery (雅特力) [AT32F405RCT7](https://www.arterychip.com/en/product/AT32F405.jsp), 256 kbyte flash, 96 kbyte ram, 216MHz. - 16 MByte QUAD SPI flash for XIP "execute-in-place" firmware and fonts. - 280x240 LCD display with capacitive touch - ambient light sensor to set LCD brightness - SD card, useful for storing firmware images and data logging. - CAN bus, 1 Mbit/s - DS3231 real-time clock with battery back-up, in order to have logfiles with meaningful timestamps, and to be able to set alarms to wake up the processor. - One high-speed USB, 480 Mbit/s - One full-speed USB, 12 MBit/s. - logic translators for target logic levels below 3.3V - I2C connector The box is 3D printed in transparent resin SLA 8001, so the ambient light sensor is exposed to light. For the prototypes the AT32F405RCT7 processor is soldered by hand. ## Software The software is work in progress. Goal is a probe that works both when connected to a PC and standalone. When standalone, the probe connects to the first target, and logs everything to sd card for off-line study. The source is at [github](https://github.com/koendv/at32f405-app) ## Attachments - AT32_WorkBench.zip is the project in Artery "AT32 Work Bench" - 3DShell_PCB2.zip is STL files for the project box - Design_Files.zip is Gerber, BOM and Pick-and-Place files
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