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STD TV Infra-Red Standby Smart Switch

License: TAPR Open Hardware License

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-07-04 08:52:52
Creation time: 2018-10-23 15:16:09
A smart power saving in line power switch designed to remove mains power from a TV or other device in standby to reduce electric cost. This design uses any infra-red controller with a 36 - 38kHz carrier. A long press of any IR button on the users remote controll will cut the mains power, a short press on any button will restore the mains power. An override button is also on the power switch to switch on or off manually. CAUTION: Ensure the load is suitable for the TRIAC selected, the TRIAC may require up rating and heatsink for bigger loads. This design will switch loads of about 600W without a heatsink.
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 1nF C1 RAD-0.1 1
2 1uF C2,C5 CAP-D3.0XF1.5 2
3 47uF C3 CAP-D6.3XF2.5 1
4 10uF C4 CAP-D6.3XF2.5 1
5 B2P-VH (LF)(SN) CN1,CN2 B2P-VH (LF)(SN) 2
6 1N4007 D1 DO-41 1
7 1N4733A D2 DO-41 1
8 3BB4HD D3 LED-3MM 1
9 TYN1225RG Q1 TO-220(TO-220-3) 1
10 3M3 R1 AXIAL-0.3 1
11 1M2 R2 AXIAL-0.3 1
12 680R R3 AXIAL-0.3 1
13 4K7 R4 AXIAL-0.4 1
14 8K2 R5 AXIAL-0.4 1
15 330R R6 AXIAL-0.4 1
16 220R R7 AXIAL-0.3 1
17 470R R8 AXIAL-0.3 1
18 K2-1102AQ-K4CW-01 SW1 DIP-7.5X7.2X9 1
19 IRM-56384 U1 IR-3PIN/2.54 1
20 MOC3011M U3 DIP6 1
21 74LS74 U2 DIP14 1


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