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STD esp32 wroom-st7735s-max98357a

esp32 wroom-st7735s-max98357a

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Cloned from esp32-st7735s-max98357a

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Update time: 2023-11-18 07:04:08
Creation time: 2023-10-12 07:48:49


Copyright belongs to @kazu098

This is a cat-shaped communication robot using ESP32-WROOM-32E.


- Displaying eye images on LCD display (ST7735s) connected to esp32
- Connect esp32 and servo motors to move the mouth.
- Connect esp32 and speaker via max98357a

When the button is pressed, the eye image is displayed, the mouth moves, and the robot speaks by outputting audio from an mp3 file.

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity Manufacturer Part Manufacturer Supplier JLCPCB Part Class spiceSymbolName Contributor
1 100nF C1,C13,C14,C15,C16 C0402 5 0402B104K160NT FH(风华) LCSC C41851 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C41851&%26type=1&ref=editor 0402B104K160NT
2 10uF C2,C10,C17,C18 C0402 4 CL05A106MQ5NUNC SAMSUNG(三星) LCSC C15525 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C15525&%26type=1&ref=editor CL05A106MQ5NUNC
3 1uF C11 C0402 1 CL05A105KP5NNNC SAMSUNG(三星) LCSC C14445 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C14445&%26type=1&ref=editor CL05A105KP5NNNC
4 22uF C12 C0805 1 CL21A226MAYNNNE SAMSUNG(三星) LCSC C602037 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C602037&%26type=1&ref=editor CL21A226MAYNNNE LCSC
5 KF2510-8A CN1,CN2 CONN-TH_8P-P2.54_KF2510-8A 2 2510-8A BOOMELE(博穆精密) LCSC C503487 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C503487&%26type=1&ref=editor KF2510-8A LCSC
6 HC-XH-2A-G CN3 CONN-TH_2P-P2.50_HC-XH-2A-G 1 HC-XH-2A-G HCTL(华灿天禄) LCSC C5341201 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C5341201&%26type=1&ref=editor HC-XH-2A-G lcsc
7 TZ-P2-0603RTCS2-0.6T LED2 LED0603-RD_RED 1 TZ-P2-0603RTCS2-0.6T TUOZHAN(拓展光电) LCSC C688882 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C688882&%26type=1&ref=editor TZ-P2-0603RTCS2-0.6T LCSC
8 UMH3N Q2 SC-70-6_L2.2-W1.3-P0.65-LS2.1-BR 1 UMH3N CJ(江苏长电/长晶) LCSC C62892 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C62892&%26type=1&ref=editor UMH3N
9 1MΩ R1 R0402 1 0402WGF1004TCE UNI-ROYAL(厚声) LCSC C26083 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C26083&%26type=1&ref=editor 0402WGF1004TCE
10 5.1kΩ R5,R7,R8 R0402 3 0402WGF5101TCE UNI-ROYAL(厚声) LCSC C25905 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C25905&%26type=1&ref=editor 0402WGF5101TCE
11 10kΩ R6 R0402 1 0402WGF1002TCE UNI-ROYAL(厚声) LCSC C25744 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C25744&%26type=1&ref=editor 0402WGF1002TCE
12 TS-1088-AR02016 SW1,SW2 SW-SMD_L3.9-W3.0-P4.45 2 TS-1088-AR02016 XUNPU(讯普) LCSC C720477 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C720477&%26type=1&ref=editor TS-1088-AR02016 LCSC
13 MAX98357AETE+T U1 TQFN-16_L3.0-W3.0-P0.50-BL-EP1.5 1 MAX98357AETE+T ADI(亚德诺)/MAXIM(美信) LCSC C910544 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C910544&%26type=1&ref=editor MAX98357AETE+T LCSC
14 ZX-XH2.54-3PZZ U2 CONN-TH_3P-P2.54_2501S-3P 1 ZX-XH2.54-3PZZ Megastar(兆星) LCSC C7429633 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C7429633&%26type=1&ref=editor ZX-XH2.54-3PZZ lcsc
15 CH340C U4 SOP-16_L10.0-W3.9-P1.27-LS6.0-BL 1 CH340C WCH(南京沁恒) LCSC C84681 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C84681&%26type=1&ref=editor CH340C
16 AMS1117-3.3_C347222 U5 SOT-223-4_L6.5-W3.5-P2.30-LS7.0-BR 1 AMS1117-3.3 UMW(广东友台半导体) LCSC C347222 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C347222&%26type=1&ref=editor AMS1117-3.3_C347222 LCSC
17 ESP32-WROOM-32E(16MB) U6 WIFI-SMD_ESP32-WROOM-32E 1 ESP32-WROOM-32E-N16 ESPRESSIF(乐鑫) LCSC C701343 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C701343&%26type=1&ref=editor ESP32-WROOM-32E(16MB) LCSC
18 HB-PH3-25414PB2GOP U7 HDR-TH_4P-P2.54-V-M 1 HB-PH3-25414PB2GOP HANBO(汉博) LCSC C6332197 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C6332197&%26type=1&ref=editor HB-PH3-25414PB2GOP lcsc
19 TYPE-C 3.1 MT 16P_C168688 USBC2 USB-C-SMD_TYPE-C-USB-4 1 918-418K2024S40000 精拓金 LCSC C168688 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C168688&%26type=1&ref=editor TYPE-C 3.1 MT 16P_C168688 立创EDA官方封装库


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