ESP32S3 - Breadboard Friendly
PROESP32S3 - Breadboard Friendly
:CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0
This board is a more breadboard friendly version of the Espressif ESP32S3. By moving the ESP32S3 chip and ancillary components, it has enough room to fit in the inner 4 pins on most breadboards. This leaves 3 rows on each side for you to attach your dupont wires to.
It also has pins that engage in the power rail. 4 pins each for stability. You can select 3.3v or Vin (5.0v from the USB) by adding a jumper on the marked side. If you leave the jumper off entirely, it simply won't provide power, but it does provide a ground path.
This design is almost identical to the Espressif ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 design. I made a few adjustments, and fixed a couple problems with their reference design. I retained the pin order at the breadboard, so it will (should) match tutorials for the official ESP32S3 boards.
If there is sufficient interest, I may improve this design, and do further designs. Telling me about your use will drive this.
This should save you a lot of space on your breadboard, and save you a bit of effort setting up the power rails.
I have released this under the Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0. That means...
You as an individual can use this design how ever you'd like. If you use it, you must attribute the original design work to me in some way. "Original Design By JWSmythe (jwsmythe.com)" on the silkscreen would be sufficient.
If you want to have 1000 made for your classroom or other non-profit educational environment, and you are not selling the boards, you are considered an individual, and the attribution above is required. If you are using it in your classroom environment to review the good and bad of my design, let me know, I'd be interested in hearing what you had to say.
If you are a company and wish to use this design in your product, contact me first via jwsmythe.com. We can work out some very reasonable terms. You still have to attribute the original design to me as stated for the individual.
You can contact me for clarification at jwsmythe.com .
This is an untested design. I haven't had any manufactured to put through real-world testing. ... yet.
Design Drawing


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