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Update time: 2022-03-16 01:21:10
Creation time: 2021-06-11 01:04:17


STM32 sensor Board with 4S BMS, solar panel support, with wind vane, anemometer, soil and air temperature, pressure and relative humidity, acelerometer, IR, visible and UV light sensing capabilities, up to 32GB backup memory storage, and a LoRa 2.4 to 2.5 GHz Communication Module

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 15pf C1,C2,C3,C4 C0603 4
2 100nF C8,C30,C31,C32,C5,C6,C36,C42,C50,C7,C9,C11,C12,C13,C15,C16,C18,C19,C20,C21,C22,C25,C26,C27,C28,C29,C17,C33,C34,C38,C43,C44,C45,C47,C48 C0603 35
3 1K R35,R36,R37,R38,R39,R41,R10,R15,R17,R47,R48,R49 R0603 12
4 STM32G081CB U1 UFQFPN48 1
5 KIA431-A U28 SOT-23 1
6 16MHz X1 OSC-SMD_4P-L3.2-W2.5-BL 1
7 32.768KHz X2 OSC-SMD_L3.2-W1.5 1
8 SX1280 U2 SMD_SX1280 1
9 TF-104 CARD1 TF-SMD_TF-104 1
10 CR2032 B1 BAT-TH_CR2032-BS-5-1 1
11 220µF C10,C40 CAP-SMD_BD8.0-L8.3-W8.3-FD 2
12 100µF C39 CAP-SMD_BD8.0-L8.3-W8.3-FD 1
13 22nF C41 C0603 1
14 680pF C49 C0603 1
15 SS34 D2,D3 SMA_L4.3-W2.6-LS5.2-RD 2
16 47µH L1,L2 12*14*5MM 2
17 JST3401 Q5,Q9 SOT-23_L2.9-W1.3-P0.95-LS2.4-BR 2
18 AS3404 Q8,Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q7 SOT-23-3_L2.9-W1.3-P1.90-LS2.4-BR 6
19 100K R12,R13,R26 R0603 3
20 0R1 R14 R0603 1
21 33K R30 R0603 1
22 10K R31,R34 RES-ADJ-TH_3P-L7.1-W6.9-P2.50-BL-BS 2
23 47K R44 R0603 1
24 R020 R46,R50 R2512 2
25 51K R51 R0603 1
26 3.9K R52 R0603 1
27 LM2596-ADJ U10,U16 TO-263-5_L10.6-W9.6-P1.70-LS15.9-TL 2
28 PAN+ U25 T1-4.7 1
29 PAN- U26 T1-4.7 1
30 ZMM13 D4 LL-34_L3.7-W1.6-RD 1
31 100R R3,R6,R8,R16 R0603 4
32 18R R4,R5,R7,R9 R1218 4
33 12K R11 R0603 1
34 HY2213-AB3B U6,U7,U8,U9 SOT-23-6_L2.9-W1.6-P0.95-LS2.8-BR 4
35 Spade 4.7x6.25 U17,U20,U21,U22,U23 T1-4.7 5
36 1nF C14 C0603 1
37 220nF C23 C0603 1
38 4.7µF C24 C0603 1
39 HDR-F-2.54_2x7 H1 HDR-F-2.54_2X7 1
40 1M R18 R0603 1
41 8.2M R19,R24 R0603 2
42 1.8M R20 R0603 1
43 10M R21,R23,R25 R0603 3
44 2.7M R22 R0603 1
45 10K R29,R2,R32,R33 R0603 4
46 BME280 U3 LGA-8_BME280 1
47 TSL2561T U5 TMP-6_L3.8-W1.6-P0.90-BL 1
48 ADS1115 U11,U12 MSOP-10_L3.0-W3.0-P0.50-LS5.0-BL 2
49 ML8511 U13 C-TQFN12-4.0X3.7-1.00 1
50 HMC5883L U14 LPCC-16_L3.0-W3.0-P0.50-BL 1
51 HDR-M-2.54_1x6 J1 HDR-M-2.54_1X6 1
52 HDR-M-2.54_1x16 J3 HDR-M-2.54_1X16 1
53 TZ-P2-0603GTCS1-0.6T LED1 LED0603-RD 1
54 SI2302 Q6,Q11 SOT-23-3_L3.0-W1.7-P0.95-LS2.9-BR 2
55 1k R1,R40 R0603 2
56 15R R27 R0603 1
57 TS-1187A-B-A-B SW1,SW2,SW3 SW-SMD_4P-L5.1-W5.1-P3.70-LS6.4 3
58 STR - U15 T1-4.7 1
59 STR + U24 T1-4.7 1
60 INA219A U4 SOT-23-8_L3.0-W1.7-P0.65-LS2.8-BR 1
61 INA219 U18,U19 SOT-23-8_L3.0-W1.7-P0.65-LS2.8-BR 2


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