OpenSprinkler 3.2 AC
STDOpenSprinkler 3.2 AC
:GPL 3.0
New updated version of Sprinkler controller using ESP8266 for WiFi connectivity with option for wired Ethernet through ENC28J60 module. Simple configuration can be persormed and visualized with onboard OLED display however more granular options are configurable through WEB interface
This controller version is strictly for 24v AC valves all contained on 4x3.5 inch (100x89mm) PCB.
As this is regesign of the original Open Sprinkler into single PCB, from the original 2 PCB setup all components had been retained and original firmware thus is fully compatible with this board.
AN updated version of the board can be configured to drive AC or DC valves with the help of voltage booster board borrowed from 2.3 version.
More information ont he board can be found at http:\\PCBhut.com\Products\OS_3.2\index.html
Design Drawing
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