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Update time: 2023-02-05 17:18:12
Creation time: 2019-09-27 20:42:53


The updated schematics from the payload team at Norco College Rocketry. Raspberry Pi 1: -BNO055 -> accelerometer 1 [x1] -MMA8451 -> accelerometer 2 [x3] -TCA9548A -> Multiplexer [x1] Raspberry Pi 2: -DS18B20 -> temp probe [x4] -strain gague [x2] -ADS1115 -> analog to digital converter [x2] -TCA9548A -> Multiplexer [x1] Raspberry Pi 3: -BMP388 -> altitude, pressure, temp [x1] -BME280 -> temp, pressure, humidity [x1] -SGP30 -> CO2 [x1] -TCA9548A -> Multiplexer [x1] -Raspberry Pi Camera Pi Zero 1: -RFM96W -> 433 MHz radio transceiver -DS18B20 -> temp probe [x1] -strain gague [x1] -ADS1115 -> analog to digital converter [x1]
Design Drawing

Design Drawing

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 DS18B20 U5,U6,U7,U17,U18 NONE 5
2 BME280 U2 BME280 1
3 USB-AF-90-10X14.4-H6.57 USB1,USB2 USB-AF-90-10.0X14.4-H6.57 2
4 LD1117V33 U4 TO-220 1
5 10u C1,C2,C8,C9,C10,C11,C7,C12,C13 RAD-0.1 9
6 4.7k R3,R17,R18,R12,R19 AXIAL-0.3 5
8 BNO055 U3 BNO055 1
9 BMP388 - Barometric Pressure and Altimeter Adafruit v2 U1 ADAFRUIT BMP388 PRESS/TEMP SENSOR PCB LIB FOR KFLMIAMI420 V1 1
10 BS-2-1 B1,B3 BATTERY-1 2
11 IRLB8721PBF Q1 TO-220(TO-220-3) 1
12 Raspberry PI I/O NC JP2 2X20-SHROUDED 1
13 Adafruit RFM96W Breakout P1 NONE 1
14 1u C3,C4,C5,C1,C2 RAD-0.1 5
15 Polulu #2585 Simple U8 NONE 1
16 5V Battery B2 BATTERY-1 1
17 ADS1115IRUGR U9 TI-RUG10_V 1
18 Raspberry_Pi_3_B+ RPI2,RPI1 HDR-20X2/2.54 2
19 120 R2,R4,R9,R10,R8,R11,R6,R7,R1,R5 AXIAL-0.3 10
20 No U10,U11,U12,U13,U14,U15,U16 NONE 7
21 Raspberry Pi U26 RASPBERRY PI 1
22 TCA9548A 1 TCA9548A 1
23 MMA8451 U19,U20,U21,U22,U23,U24,U25 NONE 7
24 Adafruit BNO055 9 axis Absolute Orientation U3 NONE 1
25 1N4448 D1,D2 DO-35 2
26 5V to 3V LD1117 TO-220(TO-220-3) 1
27 Adafruit BME280 U2 HDR-7X1-2.54 1
28 EVQ22705R SW2 KEY-6.0*6.0-4 1
29 100 nF C5 RAD-0.1 1
30 10 µF C6 RAD-0.1 1
31 +5V V2,V1 BATTERY-1 2
32 Adafruit BNO055 Board U43 BNO055 BOARD 1
33 0.1u C14,C15,C16,C17,C18,C19,C20 RAD-0.1 7
34 Raspberry Pi - 40 Pin Header U34,U36,U46 HDR-TH_40P-P2.54-V-M-R2-C20-S2.54 3
35 Adafruit TCA9548A Board U35 TCA9548A BOARD 1
36 Adafruit MMA451 Board U28,U29,U30 MMA8451 BOARD 3
37 DS18B20 Temperature Sensor U37,U38,U39,U42,U48 DS18B20 PINS 5
38 Adafruit ADS1115 Board U40,U49 ADS1115 BOARD 2
39 P2N2222A Q2 TO92-INLINE 1
40 Adafruit SGP30 Breakout Board U31 SGP30 BOARD 1
41 Adafruit BME280 Board U32 BME280 BOARD 1
42 Adafruit BMP388 Board U33 ADAFRUIT BMP388 BOARD 1
43 PN2222A Q3 TO-92A 1
44 10k R13 AXIAL-0.3 1
45 Adafruit RFM96W Board U47 RFMXX BOARD 1
46 1k R1,R3,R2,R4 AXIAL-0.3 4


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