Light Tube SiPM Ring
STDLight Tube SiPM Ring
:CC BY-SA 3.0
Annular photo sensor array for readout of light guide tubes. The board comprises 16 SiPMs (Broadcom AFBR-S4N44P014M) with four SiPMs per quarter connected in parallel. The four quarters' outputs are amplified with OpAmp ADA4896 in transimpedance configuration. The four amplified outputs can be tapped separately. Additionaly, a summing amplifier provides the sum of all quarters in both positive and negative polarities.
The SiPM ring is designed to fit the end face of a borosilicate or quartz glass tube with inner diameter of 51 mm and outer diameter of 58 mm. The aim is to collect photons from the light tube which are generated either by scintillation (utilizing a scintillating coating of the tube) or from Cherenkov emission of a radiator inside the tube (e.g. water volume). Such a setup is used in frame of particle physics RnD studies for the detection of charged particles.
Design Drawing


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