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STD Light Tube SiPM Ring

Light Tube SiPM Ring

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Update time: 2024-11-08 08:51:02
Creation time: 2024-10-09 13:10:45


Annular photo sensor array for readout of light guide tubes. The board comprises 16 SiPMs (Broadcom AFBR-S4N44P014M) with four SiPMs per quarter connected in parallel. The four quarters' outputs are amplified with OpAmp ADA4896 in transimpedance configuration. The four amplified outputs can be tapped separately. Additionaly, a summing amplifier provides the sum of all quarters in both positive and negative polarities.


The SiPM ring is designed to fit the end face of a borosilicate or quartz glass tube with inner diameter of 51 mm and outer diameter of 58 mm. The aim is to collect photons from the light tube which are generated either by scintillation (utilizing a scintillating coating of the tube) or from Cherenkov emission of a radiator inside the tube (e.g. water volume). Such a setup is used in frame of particle physics RnD studies for the detection of charged particles.

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 0.1u/100V C15,C16,C17,C19,C20,C21,C12,C13,C14,C2 C0805 10
2 1k R1 R0805 1
3 51R R22,R2,R4,R13,R15,R20,R27,R29 R0805 8
4 dnm R3,R14,R21,R28,R39,R40 R0805 6
5 510R R6,R11,R18,R25 R0805 4
6 2k2 R7,R10,R12,R17,R19,R24,R26,R5,R33,R38 R0805 10
7 430R R8,R16,R23,R9,R34 R0805 5
8 22p C3,C4,C5,C6,C7 C0805 5
9 AFBR-S4N44P014M S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6,S7,S8,S9,S10,S11,S12,S13,S14,S15,S16 LGA-5_L4.3-W4.2_AFBR-S4N44P014M 16 C18212188
10 ADA4896-2ARMZ U1,U2,U3,U4,U5 MSOP-8_L3.0-W3.0-P0.65-LS5.0-BL 5 C208148
11 47u/100V C1 C1210 1
12 9k1 R30 R0805 1
13 150k R31 R0805 1
14 HDR-M-2.54_1x3 J8 HDR-M-2.54_1X3 1 C180248
15 DL-MMCX-KE J1,J4,J6,J7,J5,J2,J3 MMCX-TH_DL-MMCX-KE-180 7 C5180392
16 10k R32,R35,R36,R37 R0805 4
17 0.1u C10,C11 C0805 2
18 1u C8,C9 CASE-A_3216 2
19 TC1-1-13M+ U6 XFMR-SMD_TC1-1TX 1 C879854


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