Summer handheld fan
PROSummer handheld fan
:CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
Project description
Summer handheld fan; speed range adjustable 0-255, full power wind speed 22 m/s;
PWM (10KHz) 0-255 duty cycle control;
0.96-inch OLED display; supports real-time voltage display;
Supports 9V, 7V, 5V voltage input charging; supports power bank function, supports BC1.2, Apple, Samsung, QC2.0/3.0, MTK PE1.1/PE2.0, Huawei, Spreadtrum fast charging protocol;
Using 9CM Delta PFC0912DE fan;
Adopt free AIR 001;
Programmed using Arduino IDE.
Special note: This description does not represent the final version, more details still need to be added.
Open source agreement
This project uses the CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 open source license, which is the Creative Commons License-Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike.
CC: Creative Commons License
BY: Attribution. You must give appropriate attribution, provide a link to this license, and indicate whether changes were made.
SA: Share Alike, if you remix, transform, or create based on this work, you must share and publish your contribution under the same license as the original license.
NC: Non-Commercial, you may not use this work for commercial purposes.
If you have any questions, please + group number: 431030188.
Project related functions
1. Fast charging function
TYPE-C charging interface, located on the back of this item;
Supports 5V, 7V, and 9V PD fixed-level voltage deception. The specific deception voltage depends on whether the charger used supports the PD voltage of this level;
For more information please check the IP2326 chip data sheet.
2. Key operation
The side toggle switch is the main switch and supplies power to the entire system.
On the front is a two-speed toggle switch. Turn it to the right to increase the gear by one, and vice versa to decrease the gear by one. Press it to turn on the power bank output function, and press it again to turn it off.
3. Fan speed adjustment function
The speed gear is adjustable from 0 to 255; the PWM drive MOS tube is used to adjust the speed of the fan's VCC;
Theoretically, any 12V fan is supported, just make sure GND VCC is connected correctly.
4. Power bank function
Support power bank function, support BC1.2, Apple, Samsung, QC2.0/3.0, MTK PE1.1/PE2.0, Huawei, Spreadtrum fast charging protocol;
For more information please check the IP6505 chip data sheet.
5. 0.96-inch OLED screen display
After turning the side power button, the OLED display shows the battery voltage value and wind speed gear.
Component Description
1.Use Delta PFC0912DE server fan;
2.AIR 001 chip;
3.SSD1306 OLED I2C protocol screen; pin sequence GND VCC SCL SDA.
Project properties
This project is a summer handheld fan, which is made public for the first time. It is my original project and has never won any prize in other competitions.
Design principles
1.AIR 001 microcontroller main control;
2.The IP2326 chip tricks the fast charger into charging three 18650 batteries;
3.PWM drives the MOS tube to adjust the fan speed;
4.IP6505 realizes the power bank function;
5.Adopts 0.96-inch OLED display and I2c communication.
Software description
This project is developed using Arduino IDE.
Software version history:
2024/06/20 V1.0
2024/7/11 V1.1
Fixed some bugs.
Project update log
The original R7 resistor 10K has been repaired to 49K, and the schematic has been updated.
Fixed the problem of unstable function of the power bank and updated the PCB.
Added USB switch OLED display, updated program.
Remove the "+" sign from the speed value and display "- - -" when the speed is increased to zero. The program has been updated.
Fixed some software bugs and updated the program.
For the latest program, please follow QQ group: 431030188.
Picture display
Voltage 10.28V, 255 full gear, wind speed 20 m/s.
Show details.
Model display
Fusion model.
Fusion render model.
Safety precautions
This project uses three 18650 batteries with a voltage of 12.6V. Please be careful not to short circuit to avoid danger;
The fan rotates too fast. Avoid anything being sucked into the fan, especially clothes, and do not touch the rotating fan blades with your hands ;
All accidents that occurred have nothing to do with me.
Designed by liao52998 (from OSHWHub)