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PRO MakerLab Based on STM32 with liquid crystal display of colorful snow light design

Based on STM32 with liquid crystal display of colorful snow light design

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Update time: 2024-10-21 09:11:13
Creation time: 2024-10-21 03:31:55


Just go to the picture! ![IMG_2522.JPG](//image.lceda.cn/pullimage/LQjpOE0xmqdDtRt4tIewUrgscIXrLNSbc89BO5Hd.jpeg) ![IMG_2523.JPG](//image.lceda.cn/pullimage/XzA61mjPwOeGBYQZv23DRMmzZCd5p6lgn7ULRFZG.jpeg) Red model:![微信图片_20231006113533.jpg](//image.lceda.cn/pullimage/wzcDucBR4ClGpVEQJyFgG3R745HGLwTYkTmJKyfa.jpeg) White model ①: ![2.jpg](//image.lceda.cn/pullimage/S4oUeuSbB1H3QEdFpn7TVx36TBaslJCJMJZRPySK.jpeg) ![3.jpg](//image.lceda.cn/pullimage/wxoAqa36rAXx9NUeheo6WHAo3yCJGso9hIWO2PNJ.jpeg) ![5.jpg](//image.lceda.cn/pullimage/6n6cpE6WfdRhkFnULcxQPzqXIDAIaN5weMdqwrhg.jpeg) Front of white model (with control chip model STM32F103): ![IMG_2503.JPG](//image.lceda.cn/pullimage/uFe0l7cBaPA75NvJYPqJuVNfmZxIXRxndCZtlGvE.jpeg) ![IMG_2506.JPG](//image.lceda.cn/pullimage/3JsvzqGBUKdF89I3IvvBE18nHyN9CRheObZtyMSO.jpeg) The back of the white model (STM32F103 with control chip): ![IMG_2504.JPG](//image.lceda.cn/pullimage/92M8f4o7FEAHSzMnfItSvQpBqJRaHlwwrAn8U6K4.jpeg) White version lights up: ![1.jpg](//image.lceda.cn/pullimage/IgZL61XH34sTmRZbbEzYj4e1buGoLeXkuCuJdgDY.jpeg) ![2.jpg](//image.lceda.cn/pullimage/lpUu7uuRPdz2UiyQsjo34oTAF9r0Za9dBCtVO9SA.jpeg) ![3.jpg](//image.lceda.cn/pullimage/GHAgqMjJJGLeQdSLaIDrvsbdy8yRiwYSeJwupdSj.jpeg) ![4.jpg](//image.lceda.cn/pullimage/YkyCb4HP1Tq3MTFMAGg5QcRNp0DbQanEoVjCg9AL.jpeg) Demo video without control chip version link ① [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Wh4y1h7GB/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Wh4y1h7GB/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0) Demo video without control chip version link ② [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1A84y1S73s/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=546381e542a881103bc2fe462ebe6317](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1A84y1S73s/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=546381e542a881103bc2fe462ebe6317) Demo video without control chip version link ③ [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1X84y117fu/](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1X84y117fu/) Demonstration video control chip connection ④ [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Qp4y1M7ZV/](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Qp4y1M7ZV/) Hardware design description: 1. There are many designed PCBs under this project, all of which have basically been tested and can be used. Since there are a large number of 0603 packaged LEDs on the base layer of the board, it is recommended to use SMT and choose the appropriate LED color according to your color needs. 2. It is recommended to use a constant current source for power supply, otherwise it will easily cause the 5V to 3.3VLDO integrated on the board to become seriously overheated. 3. You can choose not to use the LDO conversion chip and directly supply power to TYPE-C 4. There is a DXF file under the project. When importing, you can set its size to get snowflake lanterns of different sizes. 5. The light without control chip has good brightness and looks good. It is suitable to be used as a pendant in a room. Instructions for models with control chips: 1. When designing the circuit, due to the current-limiting resistor, the output capability of the microcontroller is low, and there are multiple LEDs, which causes the LED to emit very weak light. If this design circuit is used, please remove the current-limiting resistor. 2. The circle in the middle of the screen was originally intended to be connected to a circular 1.69-inch LCD, but the hole was too small to fit in, and some functions could not be added. 3. SMT is recommended for LED welding. It is best to use the same type of LED, otherwise it will easily cause some LEDs to not light up. Software design instructions: The model with a chip needs to be programmed, while the model without a chip can be powered by a constant current source. The program with chip is in the attachment, and the main functions are in the led.c file. ![Snipaste_2023-10-10_17-47-38.jpg](//image.lceda.cn/pullimage/cTWwwpnnILT63vt4bfqSESFIDoNs26FqW6N9ZuvU.jpeg) If this design is adopted, it is recommended to use other control chips to reduce design costs. The snowflake lamp shape file has been uploaded. When drawing the PCB, import the DXF file to generate the corresponding PCB border.

Designed by 许清纯 (from OSHWHub)


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