Based on CH582M Bluetooth gamepad
PROBased on CH582M Bluetooth gamepad
:GPL 3.0
1. List of materials
a. Battery 602040-500mAh
Click the link to open directly or Taobao search to open directly.
b. Joysticks
Click the link to open directly or Taobao search to open directly.
2. Presentation
3. Print material recommendation
Upper cover: resin/PETG clear>white>other
Base: Resin/PETG clear
Button: Resin/PETG/ABS/PLA solid color
4. Download & modify the program
Use the official WCH firmware download tool, tool address: https://www.wch.cn/downloads/WCHISPTool_Setup_exe.html
Firmware github address: https://github.com/ChnMasterOG/CH582M_joyticks
5. Handle operation instructions
Press and hold ML to power on to enter download mode.
Press and hold MR to power on to enter calibration mode.
Calibration mode: When the green light is on (10s), shake the joysticks on both sides wildly, and the handle will automatically record the ADC value of the limit position; After that, when the blue light is fast off, the blue light turns on (10s), and the handle is stationary, and the controller will record the ADC value at the center of the joystick.
Key functions of default parameters:
ML - Toggles the current button function layer.
MR - Gyroscope mapping is turned on.
Gyro mode: Gyroscope data will be mapped to Z/RZ by default (mapping other data can be modified via via)
Designed by ChnMasterOG (from OSHWHub)
Design Drawing
