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STD Mic Amp TL072 NE5532

Mic Amp TL072 NE5532

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Update time: 2024-10-29 13:05:19
Creation time: 2024-10-13 15:29:48


Condenser mic pre-Amp.

Микрофонный усилитель на операцинном усилителе.

Тестировался на  ОУ - TL072 и NE5532.

Батарейное питание - 2 Li-ion аккумулятора.

Подхолит как для линейного так и для микрофонного входа ПК (50-800mV out)

видео: https://disk.yandex.ru/i/k2cU8M8HG0_07w

Condenser microphones are one of the most popular mic choices for studio recording applications because of their sensitivity and fidelity. In general, a condenser microphone will provide a wider frequency response range than their dynamic microphone cousins, but will have a lower input sensitivity. In other words, they’ll pick up more of the input signal faster. This means that most condenser microphones (with some exceptions) are better suited for quieter environments, like one afforded by a studio. 

Design Drawing

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 GAIN 2 100K RES-ADJ-TH_3386P 1
2 GAIN 1 100K RES-ADJ-TH_3386P 1
3 1u C1 RAD-0.2 1
4 47p C2 RAD-0.2 1
5 0.1u C3,C4,C9 C1206 3
6 + 10u C5 RAD-0.2 1
7 101 C6 RAD-0.2 1
8 220u C13 CAP-D6.3×F2.5_LARGE 1
9 47u C14 CAP-D5.0×F2.0_LARGE_2 1
10 10u C15 C1206 1
11 100u C16 CAP-D5.0×F2.0_LARGE_2 1
12 b1+ J11 HDR-M-2.54_1X1 1 C81276
13 b1- J14 HDR-M-2.54_1X1 1 C81276
14 b2+ J15 HDR-M-2.54_1X1 1 C81276
15 mic+ J17 HDR-M-2.54_1X1 1 C81276
16 mic- J19 HDR-M-2.54_1X1 1 C81276
17 b2- J20 HDR-M-2.54_1X1 1 C81276
18 out P1 CONN-TH_2P-P5.08 1
19 1k R1,R15 R_AXIAL-0.4 2
20 47k R2,R16 R_AXIAL-0.4 2
21 220k R3,R17 R_AXIAL-0.4 2
22 10k R8,R9 R_AXIAL-0.4 2
23 20k R14 R_AXIAL-0.4 1
24 TL072BCDE4 U2 SOIC-8_L4.9-W3.9-P1.27-LS6.2-BL 1 C1347627


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