Flow-Batch Controller
STDFlow-Batch Controller
:CERN Open Hardware License
The flow-batch controller is composed by two separate units, the peristaltic pump and the valve controller.
The peristaltic pump is assembled with a custom drive unit and a commercial pump head with four channels (Pump Head R4 for Gilson minipuls3).
The drive unit also acts as the master controller of the flow-batch system. It sends commands through a WiFi protocol (ESP-NOW) to the valve controller for the activation of the corresponding valve for the configured time.
The main characteristics of this system are:
• Peristaltic pump drive unit capable of varying from 0 to 50 rpm with user-friendly interface to configure all the application parameters of a flow-batch system.
• Wireless Valve activator with 12V digital outputs for the multi-commutation system.