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STD yamaha accu dongle v4

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2023-07-31 13:01:12
Creation time: 2020-05-26 07:57:05
NOTE: that project picture is a older version you dont need to jump those pins. see [https://www.pedelecforum.de/forum/index.php?threads/yamaha-reverse-engineering.39480/page-12](https://www.pedelecforum.de/forum/index.php?threads/yamaha-reverse-engineering.39480/page-12) version 4 of my dongle, suited for smt assembly service. DONT GO TO BOTTOM AND DOWNLOAD BOM; OSHWlab strips important information from it. open the sheets in editor and click the B button in the top bar to get the bom file.
to program it get a arduino uno and flash it wit arduinoISP, then look up how to connect a attiny13 to arduinoisp (i use a eeprom clamp and jumper wires for this) install MicroCore for arduino ide, in arduino ide, select attiny13 and external 8mhz clock burn bootloader otherwise the ext. clock wont be used. select programmer: arduino as isp, paste code from here : [https://pastebin.com/0YXUpnaG](https://pastebin.com/0YXUpnaG) and hit upload, if its all connected correctly it should work (writing, validating, finished) its a good idea to check with a logic analyzer if the timings are correct. adjust the #defines in the top of the code accordingly. if its totally off, you might run on internal clock, do the burn bootloader step again after selecting ext. 8mhz.
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