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STD 737 OV Electric Display

License: MIT

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-12-29 19:44:54
Creation time: 2021-11-04 18:28:51

Boeing 737 OV electric display with 7 segement digits

All current displays on the market don't have all the digits and cant display everything that is possible.

So i made my own. I made it fit for a Cockpit-sim parts 737 lower overhead eletric panel.

But it can also be fitted in other manufactued panels. For this check the dimensions.

For Controlling the 7 segment displays it usses the MAX 7219 ic's 

This PCB can be used with program called Mobiflight and a Arduino Mega.

for the interface to flightsimulator. all the information you will need is below and on the mobiflight website.

If you have any questions or want a PCB let me now in the comment section.



On the PCB are three MAX7219 ic's to drive the 7segement displays in groups off three

Total off  24 digits in groups off 8 per ic.

IC 0 : U4 & U5.

IC 1: U6 & U7.

IC 2 U8 & U9.


The PCB has a header connector is has labelt the type off connections.

Power: 5V+ DC


Data/Din (SPI)

Clock (SPI)



Digit adres:

U4: IC 0 / digit 0 to 3.

U5: IC 0 /  digit 4 to 7.


U6: IC 1 / digit 0 to 3.

U7: IC 1 /  digit 4 to 7.


U8: IC 1 / digit 0 to 3.

U8: IC 1 /  digit 4 to 7.



6x Segment Display: C225966

3x MAX7219: C9964

3x Resistor 250ohm: C374841

1x Little fuse: C468889

3x Elektrolytic Capacitor 47uF:  C96178

3x Ceremic Capacitor 1nF: -

1x Header 1x5: -



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