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STD IV-25 Controller

IV-25 Controller

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GPL 3.0

License: GPL 3.0



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Update time: 2024-07-12 10:50:15
Creation time: 2020-02-13 23:08:54


Controller Board for the IV-25 [Display Module](https://oshwlab.com/fan4tix/IV-25-Dispaly). It is basically a USB-C NodeMCU Board with onboard 5V and 3,3V regulator, a MOSFET for switching the Cathode on and off and extension ports for the Anode / Cathode Step-Up/Downs and the actual display modules. I also added an expansion header that allows for i2c devices to be connected to the controller. I am planning on using a laser distance sensor as a "movement detector" to activate the display only when someone is standing in front of it. For more infos check the [github repo](https://github.com/fan4tix/IV-25-VFD-Display) and the [hackaday.io](https://hackaday.io/project/176629-iv-25-vfd-display) page.
Design Drawing

Design Drawing

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 1k R5 0603 1
2 4k7 R6 0603 1
3 LM7805L-TA3-T U9 TO-252-2(2) 1
4 100n C11,C12,C8,C5 C0603 4
5 10u C13,C10,C3,C4 C1206 4
6 100u C14 CAP-6.3*7.7 1
7 DC-JACK DC1 DC-5020 1
8 SPX3819M5-L-3-3/TR U3 SOT-23-5 1
9 12k R15,R14,R13,R12,R11,R4,R3 0603 7
10 470 R2,R1,R7,R8,R10 0603 5
11 0(NC) R9 0603 1
12 47k R16 R0603 1
13 Screw Terminal J2,J1,J3,J4,J5 H2-5.0-10.5X8.0MM 5
14 Laser Sensor H2 HDR-TH_6P-P2.54-V 1
15 S8050 Q2,Q1 SOT-23(SOT-23-3) 2
16 IRLZ44S Q3 TO-263-2 1
17 470p C9,C2 C0603 2
18 CH340G U2 SOIC-16_150MIL 1
19 MC-310(D+S) USBC1 USB-C CORE SET 16-PIN 1
20 FUSE 1206 F1 FUSE_1206 1
21 ESP-12F(ESP8266MOD) U1 ESP-12F 1
22 Connector Tubes H1 210S-1X8P 1
23 FLASH/PAGE SW1 TS-1224W 1
24 RESET SW2 TS-1224W 1
25 BLUE LED1 LED_0603-L-RD 1
26 1N4007 D1 DO-214AC_2PIN-L5.66-W2.80-R 1
27 12MHz X1 SMD-3225_4P 1
28 22p C7,C6 C0603 2
29 1u C1 C0805 1


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