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STD SeismoCloud Board

License: CC-BY-SA 3.0

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-07-30 17:00:57
Creation time: 2021-04-18 20:30:16
[SeismoCloud](https://www.seismocloud.com/) is a project to monitor seismic activity whose goal is providing EarthQuake Early Warnings in a DIY fashion. It is developed and maintained by the University of Rome "La Sapienza". This is the PCB to build the seismometer. [Here](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4905075) the 3D-printable case to protect it. NOTE: I'm not affiliated with the University nor the SeismoCloud team. This work is a personal and unofficial revision inspired by the official guide to build the [sensor node](https://www.seismocloud.com/nodemcu-instructions). Use at your own risk. ## Main components - MCU Espressif ESP8266 - Acceleromenter InvenSense MPU6050 - LDO ME6211 ## Assembly The components of this project are available at JLCPCB assembly supply chain so that you can order the fully assembled SeismoCloud PCB. However, if you prefer to mount components yourself, you can easily accomplish this task using a hot-air gun. ## Flash firmware To flash the official firmware, available on [GitHub](https://github.com/sapienzaapps/seismocloud-sensor-nodemcu), you need an external programmer. This PCB is designed to be pin-compatible with [ESP Programmer](https://easyeda.com/fabiano.riccardi/esp8266-programmer_copy), but you can look at the schematic to use whichever USB-Serial adapter to have at home. ## Board in action ![](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/8fPnv066RTcAQMIv9RhxwlZjmB1Pm5sdp5pfRgTH.gif) ### Power Consumption If you are wondering the power consumption of such board, here the chart: ![seismocloud_current_consumption.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/7JNCjDQ2LGyVABfmOHT91alcns9s0N4UTjT7TpCi.png) The boot phase ends just after the second current drop (center of the timeline), after that, the power consumption stabilizes at about 90mA, with sporadic peaks of 300mA due to WiFi. Approximating the average current to 100mA and considering supply voltage at 5V, the energy consumption is 4.4kWh/year, about 1€ in Italy. ## Changelog - 1.0.0 ✅: it works ✨ ### Versioning conventions Each printed board has a version. Version advancements are ruled accordingly to Semantic Versioning. To show the status of each version I use the following symbols: - A *White Heavy Check Mark* (✅) means that it is successfully tested; - A *Negative Squared Cross Mark* (❎) means that it was almost successfully tested (the main functionalities are fine), but there are bugs affecting minor funcionalities; - A *Warning Sign* (⚠) means that the board is not usable out of the box but the bugs are fixable  in DIY (decent) fashion; - A *Cross Mark* (❌) means that there are some problems that makes it unusable; - A *White Question Mark Ornament* (❔) means not tested.
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