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STD Breakout board for Microchip ATSAMR30M18A

License: CC-BY-SA 3.0

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-07-25 18:53:32
Creation time: 2019-11-07 10:56:44
A breakout board to test functionality of MCU ATSAMR30M18A. It is compatible with the form-factor of a breadboard and all the pins are routed out. Full details about this module: ## Main Components - MCU with 802.15.4 Sub-GHz radio [Microchip SAMR30](https://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/en/ATSAMR30M18) - Low dropout voltage regulator Analog Devices ADP160 - Micro USB connector ## Usage ### Firmware upload You need an external programmer to upload firmware. ## Changelog 1.0.0 ❔: first version ### Versioning conventions Each manufactured board must have a version. Version advancements are ruled accordingly to *Semantic Versioning*, similarly to what usually happens in software development. To quickly identify the status of each version, I use emojis. The following list explains their meaning: - A *White Heavy Check Mark* (✅) means that it is successfully tested; - A *Negative Squared Cross Mark* (❎) means that it was almost successfully tested (the main functionalities are fine), but there are bugs affecting minor functionalities; - A *Warning Sign* (⚠) means that the board is not usable out of the box but the bugs are fixable in DIY (decent) fashion; - A *Cross Mark* (❌) means that there are some problems that make it unusable; - A *White Question Mark Ornament* (❔) means not tested.
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