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STD Low cost logic analyzer probe for Rigol MSO5000

Low cost logic analyzer probe for Rigol MSO5000

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GPL 3.0

License: GPL 3.0



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Update time: 2023-10-24 04:21:16
Creation time: 2020-06-04 07:16:31


Dear friends, good news! The Probe is assembled and checked, works correctly. Checked at 160MHz. This is a low cost logic analyzer probe for oscilloscope Rigol MSO5000 with fixded CMOS/TTL logic for 3.3/5.0V input levels with full bandwidth (up to 600MHz if it realy happens during research). It can also be connected to other models with an adapter or using a different cable. All components are accessible on LCSC. You can order board and all components for about $20 (plus shipping) in a couple of clicks. Of course, you will not get beautiful wires with tags for half of the price of an oscilloscope cost for (fuck them) $400! Actual version 2.1. Please, check and swith designe to version to 2.1. Thanks to guys from EEVblog for pinout of the connector!
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Manufacturer BOM_Manufacturer Part BOM_Supplier Part
1 Power LED1 LED0805-RD 1 LCSC ARKLED D-G080508G1 C107402
2 100 R7,R6,R15,R14,R5,R4,R13,R12,R8,R9,R0,R1,R10,R11,R2,R3,R16,R18,R100,R101,R102,R103,R104,R105,R106,R107,R108,R109,R110,R111,R112,R113,R114,R115 R0603 34 LCSC YAGEO AC0603FR-07100RL C125923
3 HDR-IDC-2.54-2X8P P1,P2 IDC-TH_16P-P2.54_C3406 2 LCSC BOOMELE IDC Box 2.54mm 16P Straight C3406
4 IDC Box2X25 2.54MM P3 IDC-TH_50P-P2.54_BOOMELE2X25P 1 LCSC BOOMELE IDC Box2X25 2.54MM C30006
5 100nF C1,C4,C3,C2,C5 0603 5 LCSC YAGEO CC0603KRX7R9BB104 C14663
6 10uF C9,C10 CAP-SMD_L3.2-W1.6-R-RD 2 LCSC AVX TAJA106K016RNJ C7171
7 5.1K R17 R0603 1 LCSC YAGEO AC0603FR-075K1L C125891
8 SN65LVDS1DBVRG4 U0,U1,U2,U3,U4,U5,U6,U7,U15,U14,U13,U12,U11,U10,U9,U8 SOT-23-5_L3.0-W1.7-P0.95-LS2.8-BL 16 LCSC TI SN65LVDS1DBVRG4 C50990
9 MC33375ST-3.3T3G U16 SOT-223_L6.7-W3.5-P2.30-BR 1 LCSC ON Semicon MC33375ST-3.3T3G C233213


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