:GPL 3.0
SFP-Master is a free programmer of optical SFP modules. It can be used to read, write and save SFP module data to the computer.
Hardware: The `SFP-master` used a USB to I2C converter chip from Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics Co., Ltd. `CH341A`.
Jumpers J1 to J3 (TxPWR, RxPWR, TxEN) must be installed initially. They are used to supply power to the SFP module. If you want to programm a module with hardware write protection, remove one of the jumpers and try to programm the module. If it fails, remove the other jumper and repeat the operation.
Software: SFP-Master is a free GUI QT5-based software programmer of optical SFP modules. It can be used to read, write and save SFP module data to the computer. The SFP-Master makes respect to QHexEdit2 hex editor and ch341prog.
The project page on `Github` can be found here.
Design Drawing


Project Members
