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Update time: 2024-12-11 07:18:29
Creation time: 2024-10-18 08:16:57


This is an adapter for optical SFP modules to the CH341A programmer device for reading and writing module data. For programming, you can select the chip model 24C02 or 24C04 in the programmer software. The software page is: https://github.com/bigbigmdm/SFP-Master


SFP-Master is a free software programmer of optical SFP modules for CH341a devices. It can be used to read, write and save SFP module data to the computer. The SFP-Master makes respect to QHexEdit2 hex editor and ch341prog. SFP-Master requires an SFP to I2C adapter. This adapter is used to read and program SFP-module data. It must be inserted into the slot labelled 24xx of the CH341a programmer.


Jumpers J1 to J3 (TxPWR, RxPWR, TxEN) must be installed initially. They are used to supply power to the SFP module. If you want to programm a module with hardware write protection, remove one of the jumpers and try to programm the module. If it fails, remove the other jumper and repeat the operation.


Connection: To work with the programmer, connect the SFP module to the connector in the SFP adapter, connect the SFP adapter to the CH341A programmer device to the slot marked 24xx. Connect the CH341A Programmer Unit to the USB connector of the computer and start the SFP-Master programm.


See more detail on the Github page.

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity Manufacturer Part Manufacturer Supplier
1 P1 H1 HDR-TH_4P-P2.54-V-M 1 PZ254V-11-04P XFCN(兴飞) LCSC C2691448
2 P2 H2 HDR-TH_4P-P2.54-V-M 1 PZ254V-11-04P XFCN(兴飞) LCSC C2691448
3 XDZ254-1-02-Z-2.5-G1 J1,J2,J3 HDR-TH_2P-P2.54-V-M 3 XDZ254-1-02-Z-2.5-G1 XUNDA(讯答) LCSC C18905843
4 SFP插座-20PINSFP P1 CONN-SMD_SFP-20PIN 1 SFP插座-20PINSFP null LCSC C9900001715
5 4.7kΩ R1,R2,R3 R0805 3 0805 ±1% 4K7 VO(翔胜) LCSC C2889438
6 HC-SFP-01L U1 TH_HC-SFP-01L 1 HC-SFP-01L HCTL(华灿天禄) LCSC C2897292


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