Mini Panel
STDMini Panel
:Public Domain
This module provides switches to control the RomWBW boot process.
The module consists of two PCB's. A rear PCB that houses the switches and LED's and a front PCB that presents a tidy panel with text describing the switch functions.
The module is derived from Steven C Cousins SC129 digital I/O module. To fit everything on a standard size module I've replaced the address decode logic with a 16V8 PLD. See attached pld and jed files.
Most of the parts are fairly easy to get. Stephen C Cousins has very helpfully documented many of them here: https://smallcomputercentral.wordpress.com/components/
I got the switches from here: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001510219617.html
I initially brought the cheaper blue version of the SMTS-102 but I found them to be of low quality. The red version was much better.
The 5mm LED's are sitting on M5 5mm stand offs, e.g. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004841996698.html
The boards are attached to each other with M2 10mm nylon spacers, e.g. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003094759125.html
I use a R1 type 80 pin right angle connector for the RC2014 bus, e.g. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32356690650.html
The jumpers on the left of the board are for address selection. See the PLD for addresses. With no jumpers attached it will default to I/O address 0x0 which is the RomWBW default.
Design Drawing


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