Auto Gardener
STDAuto Gardener
:Public Domain
Transform your gardening game with this advanced PCB for automating your garden. Perfect for growers, this PCB ensures optimal growing conditions by automatically adjusting PH levels and monitoring water temperature. Stay in control of your grow tent with the ability to manage inline fan and your lights, all this while still monitoring temperature and humidity inside the tent. Schedule watering times and access all data through Home Assistant, making adjustments to your water, lights, and air flow a breeze.
Current version 0.7
TODO - for version 0.8:
1) Finish the BOM
2) Change the power input to a barrel jack
TODO - for version 0.9:
1) Make a dev area where all the unused pins will be so people can make there own "hats" for it
2) Any final tweaks or fixes
TODO - for version 1:
1) Convert to SMD conponents