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Brand new interactions and interfaces
Smooth support for design sizes of over 3W
devices or 10W pads
More rigorous design constraints, more
standardized processes
For enterprises, more professional users
Easy to use and quick to get started
The process supports design scales of 300
devices or 1000 pads
Supports simple circuit simulation
For students, teachers, creators
PRO Sailing the Seven seas
Participate: OSHWLab Stars
Have you always loved marine charts and been fascinated by lighthouse flashing codes such as 'B Bl(2)8s8M' and wondered how that would look in the real world. When we combine the new full colour capability for Silk screens in EasyEDA Pro with Nautical maps (https://map.openseamap.org) and rendering tools (https://github.com/rahra/smrender) it suddenly becomes possible to make very nice looking Naval Chart with the lighthouses and beacons flashing exactly as they should.
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