SimpleFOC Stepstick
STDSimpleFOC Stepstick
:Public Domain
SimpleFOC forum thread here
This is a driver for closed-loop control of BLDC and stepper motors which is pin-compatible with stepstick for RAMPS, GRBL boards, and many other 3D printer motherboards. Not true plug-and-play since you need to tune the control parameters for each motor, and mount an encoder on the motor.
The MCU is STM32G431, driver is DRV8955. JLCPCB rarely stocks the driver, so you may have to buy it from Digikey/Mouser/etc. and solder it yourself. This MCU does not seem to have many I2C pins, so SPI encoders are preferred, although you can do I2C in software. The encoder connector pins are all ADC as well, so analog sensors such as linear halls can be used. Digital hall sensors usually need 5V, so they will need to be powered by something other than the 3.3V pin on the connector.