:GPL 3.0
EN ---
This project consists of a second order Sallen-Key filter + Arduino Nano adapter + Negative voltage Supply for the Amp-Op.
One goal of this project is to allow students to perform a cheap digital control coding lessons with very low budget hardware.
BR ---
Planta de segunda Ordem (Filtro Sallen-Key) para Estudos e Projetos de Controle Discreto utilizando arduino nano.
Update - JUL/2023
Added a V2 .ino PID;
Added two works that employ the Sallen-Key-Duino V2 platform, by student Vinicius Vasconcelos, with his due authorization.
Also added another work published by Raimundo S. R. Neto, Luiz D. S. Bezerra and Guilherme de A. Barreto, based on Nichols chart design.
Update - NOV/2021
Added a .ino PID version and improvements on the Serial Plotter Interface.