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STD LED VU Meter Arduino Shield


Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2016-10-19 18:19:33
Creation time: 2016-08-30 19:47:35
Volume Meter can be considered as an Equalizer, in which LEDs will glow according to the intensity of the music. If music is loud then more LEDs will glow and if music is low then lesser number of LEDs will glow. Volume Meter (VU) is an indicator or representation of the intensity of sound level over LEDs and can also serve as a volume measurement device. In this Project, we are building **VU Meter using Arduino and taking the audio input from 3.5 mm jack**, so that you easily provide audio input from your Mobile or Laptop using AUX cable or 3.5 mm jack. We are designing it on PCB as a **Arduino Shield**. In this VU Meter Arduino Shield, we have used 8 LEDs, in which 2 LEDs are of Red color for Higher Audio Signal, 2 Yellow LEDs are for mediate audio signal and 4 Green LEDs are for Lower audio Signal. Here we have used some SMD type resistors. Also we have two options to apply audio signal to this board that are direct to pins or by using audio jack. For the complete DIY project and step by step guide to build this project, check out the [project page on circuit digest][1]. [1]: http://circuitdigest.com/microcontroller-projects/diy-arduino-vu-meter-shield
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