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Update time: 2021-10-09 11:58:04
Creation time: 2021-03-06 11:06:51


Small BLE and NFC board based on the NRF52840 that can act as a beacon or more fully featured Bluetooth 5, Thread or Zigbee multiprotocol device. The board breaks out SPI, I2C, two ADC pins, and has EEPROM, a button, and an LED. The NRF52840 is an ARM Cortex M4 processor running at 64MHz with 1MB flash and 256KB RAM. (Note: The RF of this design has not yet been tuned)

Design Drawing

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Manufacturer Part BOM_Manufacturer BOM_Supplier Part
1 100nF C1,C2,C3,C5,C7,C12,C14,C15 C0402 8 LCSC CL05B104KO5NNNC SAMSUNG C1525
2 4.7uF C4,C43,C44 C0402 3 LCSC CL05A475MP5NRNC SAMSUNG C23733
3 1uF C6,C13 C0402 2 LCSC CL05A105KA5NQNC SAMSUNG C52923
4 100pF C9 C0402 1 LCSC 0402CG101J500NT FH C1546
5 1nF C11 C0402 1 LCSC 0402B102K500NT FH C1523
6 150pF C17,C23,C25,C27 C0402 4 LCSC 0402B151K500NT FH C1527
7 15pF C21,C22,C24,C26 C0402 4 LCSC 0402CG150J500NT FH C1548
8 1pF C34 C0402 1 LCSC 0402CG1R0C500NT FH C1550
9 15nH L1 L0402 1 LCSC SDCL1005C15NJTDF Sunlord C27143
10 10uH L2,L4 L0603 2 LCSC MLZ1608M100WT000 TDK C76798
11 4.7nH L3 L0402 1 LCSC SDCL1005C4N7STDF Sunlord C13595
12 100Ω L5 L0805 1 LCSC GZ2012D101TF Sunlord C1015
13 KT-0603R LED1 LED0603-R-RD 1 LCSC KT-0603R KENTO C2286
14 22 R2,R10,R11,R12,R13,R14,R15,R20,R21 R0402 9 LCSC 0402WGF220JTCE UniOhm C25092
15 100K R3,R8 R0402 2 LCSC 0402WGF1003TCE UniOhm C25741
16 1K R4 R0402 1 LCSC 0402WGF1001TCE UniOhm C11702
17 0 R18,R19,R1 R0402 3 LCSC 0402WGF0000TCE UniOhm C17168
18 TS-1089S-02526 SW1 SW-SMD_4P-L4.2-W3.3-P2.15-LS5.1 1 LCSC TS-1089S-02526 XUNPU C455282
19 AT24C256C-SSHL-T U1 SOIC-8_L4.9-W3.9-P1.27-LS6.0-BL 1 LCSC AT24C256C-SSHL-T MICROCHIP C6482
20 NRF52840-QIAA-R U2 AQFN-73_L7.0-W7.0-P0.50-BL-EP4.8 1 LCSC NRF52840-QIAA-R Nordic Semicon C190794
21 32MHz X1 OSC-SMD_4P-L3.2-W2.5-BL 1 LCSC 7V3205LCSC-EEE4G TXC C90934
22 32.768KHz X2 FC-135R_L3.2-W1.5 1 LCSC Q13FC1350000400 EPSON C32346
23 47uF C28 C1206 1 LCSC CL31A476MPHNNNE SAMSUNG C96123
24 SI2301CDS-T1-GE3 Q2 SOT-23-3_L3.0-W1.7-P0.95-LS2.9-BR 1 LCSC SI2301CDS-T1-GE3 VISHAY C10487
25 4.7 R23 R0603 1 LCSC 0603WAF470KT5E UniOhm C23164


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