Breadboard Power Supply
STDBreadboard Power Supply
:Public Domain
The UNO R3 uses AMS1117 5v and the LP2985-33DBVR regulators to keep the voltages stable. Because they are linear regulators they produce a lot of heat while drawing a lot of power. The 3.3v regulator used here is only rated for 150mA, so it is immediately evident that we should at least upgrade the 3.3v rail. The AMS1117 5v regulator can output close to 1A but it gets very hot even at around 500mA, this chip might interfere with more sensitive components of the UNO when it's been running for several hours of troubleshooting or experiments you are doing. With this premise, I designed a simple budget-friendly power supply that can power a breadboard from a 12v source. I designed this with Linear Regulators as well but the ones used here are more powerful, if I had used switching buck regulators instead, the parts and the circuit would have been more expensive and complex. This is an easy-to-follow circuit for anyone who is starting out with electronics.
Design Drawing


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