GP Mount Motor Control NANO based
STDGP Mount Motor Control NANO based
:GPL 3.0
This is an Arduino NANO-based control for a telescope equatorial mount. It includes control for both the RA and DEC motors. I have this installed on both a Great Polaris (GP) Mount and a Meade Starfinder from the early 1990s. The design includes two DRV8825 stepper drivers. Controls declination motor at one speed (forward & reverse) as well as four speeds for right ascension. Solar and sidereal tracking rates are supported.
When compiling the Arduino sketch, comment out the line "#define GP" for the Meade Starfinder mount, or leave the comment in for a GP mount installation.
The entire project including mechanical parts is described here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6874860
Design Drawing


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