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STD 16x Thermocouple Board

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-07-23 21:05:12
Creation time: 2021-02-28 22:48:44

General board for logging thermocouples through an ESP32, an ADS1115, and some multiplexers. Cold junction compensation would, ideally, be done by TMP117 but those are impossible to get a hold of so I'm just using a DS18B20. Resolution is +/- 0.1°C for E-Type thermocouples and can easily read about 1,000°C and own to cryogenic temperatures. Tested it on a rocket engine and also thermal conductivity rig. I advise swapping out the push connectors for just screw terminals. I don't really like the push connectors.

Note that from 0-900°C this board will loose ~80uV to resistors so your recorded temp will drop very slightly as temp increases.

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Manufacturer Part BOM_Manufacturer BOM_Supplier Part
1 10nF C1,C2,C6,C7,C9,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15,C16,C17,C18,C19,C20,C21,C22 C0805 18 LCSC CL21B103KBANNNC SAMSUNG C1710
2 1uF C3 C0805 1 LCSC CL21B105KBFNNNE SAMSUNG C28323
3 100nF C4,C5 C0805 2 LCSC CC0805KRX7R9BB104 YAGEO C49678
4 10uF C8 C0805 1 LCSC CL21A106KAYNNNE SAMSUNG C15850
5 41-F01-250-4 CN1,CN2,CN3,CN4,CN5,CN6,CN7,CN8 CONN-TH_41-F01-250-4 8 LCSC 41-F01-250-4 HIWA C173392
6 SM04B-SRSS-TB (LF)(SN) CN9,CN10,CN11,CN12,CN13 CONN-SMD_4P-P1.00_SM04B-SRSS-TB-LF-SN 5 LCSC SM04B-SRSS-TB (LF)(SN) JST Sales America C160404
7 0805G (Green) LED1 LED0805-RD 1 LCSC 0805G (Green) KENTO C2297
8 1M R1,R2,R5,R9,R12,R13,R14,R15,R16,R17,R18,R19,R20,R21,R22,R23,R24,R25,R26,R27,R28,R29,R30,R31,R32,R33,R34,R35,R36,R37,R38,R39,R40,R41 R0805 34 LCSC 0805W8F1004T5E UniOhm C17514
9 10K R3,R4,R6,R7,R8,R42,R43,R44,R45 R0805 9 LCSC 0805W8F1002T5E UniOhm C17414
10 100 R10,R11 R0805 2 LCSC 0805W8F1000T5E UniOhm C17408
11 CD74HC4067M96 U2,U4 SOIC-24_L15.4-W7.5-P1.27-LS10.3-BL 2 LCSC CD74HC4067M96 Texas Instruments C496123
12 TMP117AIDRVR U3 WDFN-6_L2.0-W2.0-P0.65-TL-EP 1 LCSC TMP117AIDRVR TI(德州仪器) C699536
13 ADS1115IDGSR U5 MSOP-10_L3.0-W3.0-P0.50-LS5.0-BL 1 LCSC ADS1115IDGSR TI C37593
14 MCP9808T-E/MS U6 MSOP-8_L3.0-W3.0-P0.65-LS4.9-BL 1 LCSC MCP9808T-E/MS Microchip Tech C129490
15 DS18B20 U7 TO-92-3_L4.9-W3.7-P1.27-L 1 LCSC DS18B20 Youtai Semiconductor Co., Ltd. C376006


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