6 Pack Universal CNC Controller
STD6 Pack Universal CNC Controller
:Public Domain
I recently reproduce the 6 Pack Universal CNC controller in EasyEDA, so people can play with the design or do a "One Click Order" of assembled PCB from JLCPCB. I am the original creator of the 6 Pack Controller. I also sell the 6 Pack on Tindie, but international shipping is quite expensive and international customers might want to order directly from JLCPCB.
There is a Github repo for the design. Those source files are in Diptrace format.
If you buy one please like, follow and comment on this project.
Most of the CNC I/O modules are available too. See all my projects.
Buying from JLCPCB
Here is a video on how to order.
You need to buy the following mating connectors from LCSC
(6) Stepper Motor Drivers KF2EDGK-3.5-4P C440849
(1) Power Input XY2500F-A-5.0-2P LCSC P/N C504904
You also need a ESP32 Module in the 2x19 format ESP32-DevKitC
Alternate Parts (if originals are out of stock)
Contact me via discord if anything is out of stock.
The best support is via our Discord server.
I receive no commision other any type of compensation if you order directly. Please consider donating to the project, especially if you are asking for help and support.
Design Drawing


Project Members
